I have not, to the best of my knowledge, changed the password to access the gateway login for the router. So, using admin/password credentials locks me out every time. Follow-up to that is UPnP functionality for the v1Bluecurve modem? Possible, yes, no?
@seknudtson Did you change your default IP address to 192.x.x.x on your BlueCurve?
Nope. This the first time I have tried to access the system with the intention of changing a factory setting aside from a custom room name or assigning a user to something. That is why it is odd that the usual suspects for these fields do not work.
@seknudtson That’s odd, the BlueCurve default ip is
finally, correct answer .1.Reset modem with paper clip
then go to google and type in
look at bottom of login and password.
shaw tech should be doing this ..another example back loading to customer
Hello Can you please Tell me where the pinhole is located?
@1_Adeel-Raza Depends on which ignite gateway you have, 6, 7 or 8.