Can I block emails using TLDs?

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Most emails full resource shows the mails Top Level Domain (TLDs). Is it possible, either by temporarily using Shaw WEBmail GUI or a private email client to block/deny/ or delete unwanted emails by blocking the TLD?

*I don't use public mail systems like webmail, but will use the Shaw webmail GUI if I can block the TLD there so when a secure client pulls the mail, that the TLDs mails are already deleted by Shaw at Shaw post office? 


* I've yet to find a email client that has this in it's filters and anyway, I want it deleted at the post office (mail server).

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2 Replies

Re: Can I block emails using TLDs?

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himmit wrote:

* I've yet to find a email client that has this in it's filters and anyway, I want it deleted at the post office (mail server).

Outlook can do this with filters..  But I haven't tried in webmail (if done in webmail, they would be gone before a normal mail client gets them)

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Re: Can I block emails using TLDs?

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Thanks kevinds, but I want to keep my email Eeeee-mail, not WEBmail as Outlook has become. The difference is the HTML5 hidden layer used to Stalk emails via WEBmail (browser-based), too, that webmail is more easily hacked and Shaw, for example has more control whereas via a client, I have control. 
I disagree with your take on the webmail deleting scams before email client gets them. Both access the same mail server. One from a wide-open web browser that accesses the mail server, and the other, the client that accesses the mail server. The better part is the client. It, is much more secure, the other is not. Proof for one thing, is the Shaw 3rd party Zimbra webmail host using canvas fingerprinting Stalker that can't be embedded in real email and can only be sneaked on to a persons computer via web based mail (thanks to HTML5), and not in email.

Real privacy can only be had by pen, paper, a stamp and envelope  while it's open season on digital mail.

I'll keep searching the Internet, or maybe, even Google it.

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