When I try, with Internet Explorer, I get:
Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to https://io.playstation.com again. If this error persists, it is possible that this site uses an unsupported protocol or cipher suite such as RC4 (link for the details), which is not considered secure.
So, what web-browser are you using? the original Microsoft Edge? the "new" Edge (available since January 2020) ? Chrome? Firefox? Safari?
I can't log into my PlayStation App on my google pixel 7 pro and everything was working before Rogers so what gives???.
@Highnoon -- everything was working before Rogers
I really doubt that Rogers has done anything with the Shaw infrastructure. Rogers probably told Shaw to "freeze" everything, at the end of March 2023, until the Rogers back-end employees were completely trained on how to manage the Shaw network.
The only changes I see is that the monthly invoices have gone from "Shaw blue" to "Rogers red" in colour, and the names of each service have changed, e.g., from "Shaw Internet" to "Rogers Ignite".
So, I think that you need to "look elsewhere" for your issue. What error-messages do you get? Can you reset the password, to something more complicated (upper/lower, digits, special characters) ? Is there a "discussion forum" somewhere online for Playstation users (www.reddit.com/r/playstation ) where you can ask for help?
free shrugs here as well.
We too experience the exact same thing. We are a tech heavy (and savvy) household and have many systems here. A PS3, a PS4 ,and 2 PS5 units and it happens on ALL these consoles, 2 computers and a tablet when connected via Shaw/Rogers.
I wish I could attach screenshots here but basically all the network checks work, all other services and internet on the laptops and tablets work JUST PSN services and pages do not.
It appears to be a DNS issue (even stated as such on the systems) but the why or what we can’t figure out as it seems upstream from our modem maybe at the node level?
We tried everything. Hard coding the DNS to cloud fires, and googles, rebooting the Shaw modem/Router combo several times. Resetting the Shaw equipment to factory defaults, the one thing that DOES work is connecting any of the systems or computers to an LTE tether. (Strangely also Rogers albeit cellular data).
We are at a loss but the why but when you connect any of the PlayStations or computers to cellular and connect to PSN it then works even after flipping it back to LAN/WAN and running from Rogers/Shaw direct once again. We do this weekly on most systems or when we go to game etc. and require PSN services.
We noticed the issues after we switched to the “white” XB8 Technicolor gateway. If that helps with anyone else’s correlation to these issues, or if our fix helps anyone else happy to share it here.
@Nazrac I don’t have an answer, but I did a quick search and some people mentioned an issue with that modem and IPv6.