I've been having this problem for a few weeks and before...


I've been having this problem for a few weeks and before today I was able to login to Shaw webmail by repeatedly attempting to login. Today it's not working at all. I have not been able to login using Firefox (yes, latest version). I've rebooted the modem, cleared the cache in Firefox, shut everything down and started booted it all back up. I was able to login to webmail using Edge however, I get a warning that my connection to this site is not fully secure. I've been using Windows 10 since it launched with little trouble so I don't think it's Windows 10 but you never know. If it weren't for Edge I wouldn't be able to check my email at all. I'm not remote working so it's not critical but if important email comes in I can only access it using Edge with its insecure connection. It appears that others have been having this problem and have posted on this forum however I don't see any replies from Shaw.


--  I can only access it using Edge with its insecure con...

Legendary Grand Master

@lmaille --  I can only access it using Edge with its insecure connection. 

For me, Edge always uses the "secure-HTTP" protocol to connect to Shaw's servers.

So, for you, if you are not getting a "secure" connection, it could be something on your computer.

If you are using a third-party "Internet Security" package, such as McAfee or Norton 360, temporarily uninstall that software. Windows will "revert" to the built-in Windows Defender anti-virus software, and will reactivate the Windows Firewall, to give you the same anti-virus and firewall security protection as those commercial products. Restart your computer, and try again to use Edge to access Shaw WebMail.  

Or, do you have a friend with a notebook computer, running Windows 10, that has never installed any "Internet Security" package? Try using Edge on their computer, using their Internet connection (maybe Telus?) to see if you get a "secure" connection. Then, connect that computer to your Shaw cable-modem (wired or WiFi), and try again. Same result?


0 Kudos

Funny this problem started right after I signed up with t...


Funny this problem started right after I signed up with the same Avast subscription.

I am unable to login at all today, have you found a fix yet?

0 Kudos

-- this problem started right after I signed up with the...

Legendary Grand Master

@Margo -- this problem started right after I signed up with the same Avast subscription.

Can you (temporarily) "uninstall" that app, and see if you can connect?

Can you connect to other Shaw web-sites (www.shaw.ca or www.shawmobile.ca or www.shawbusiness.ca) ?

P.S. I see that Shaw Business is now offering "Gig 2.0" speed. 

0 Kudos

The "solution"  I got from the Shaw Support Chat is to br...


The "solution"  I got from the Shaw Support Chat is to bring up webmail with Chrome in "Incognito" mode which you get by clicking the 3 vertical dots on the upper right of the screen and choosing that option.  This has worked well but I have no idea why.  Clearing the cache multiple times is not a practical solution and didn't work for me.  Sometimes the regular browser page works without any change to the cache and, more often, it doesn't. Suggesting that the problem is with your cache puts the onus on the customer not the company which I believe is where the problem lies.  Too many of us are experiencing the same thing with different hardware and software.


Same. This has been happening for months to all of my sha...


Same. This has been happening for months to all of my shaw accounts. It doesn't matter if its phone, laptop or desktop, I get either long lags and timeouts before my email opens or a simple : Unable to communicate with login server" message. Since one of my accounts is my business account, this is really putting a damper in my work days. 

The odd day it will work as it it should once or twice, but then not to open again for 24hours. Very hard to be a responsive business with that kind of delay. Since it has worked here and there as it should, I know it can, and I know its not my electronics or web browser. . What is happening on the Shaw side to fix this issue? I am sure it is happening to more then 50 of us, 

0 Kudos

Thanks, incognito does help, but as you suggest, a band a...


Thanks, incognito does help, but as you suggest, a band aid to clearly a much bigger problem Shaw needs to fix. 


I'm having this issue too.  Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.  I...


I'm having this issue too.  Chrome, Firefox, and Edge.  I can occasionally get it to work with Edge, but at best 20% of the time.  Clearing cache and history/cookies has no effect.  Windows 10 pro.


I am also using Firefox and Windows 10 and have contacted...


I am also using Firefox and Windows 10 and have contacted Shaw support. Advised to clear cache. Have adjusted "settings" to clear cache every time I shut down but still happens. Never a problem on my Mac Air with Safari. I think Shaw should look into this more carefully as no problem signing in to other web sites

0 Kudos

Today, I got the "unable to login" message.  I left the b...

Legendary Grand Master

Today, I got the "unable to login" message.  I left the browser-window open, and came back to my computer a few hours later, and clicked "Login", and it worked fine.  So, it must have been a short-term outage within Shaw's "back-end" systems.

Spit pappens.  🙂


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