equipment return wait times


I had my services disconnected Jan 24th and the tech took away my old equipment on that day.

No receipt was issued but I trusted the tech to properly return equipment to Shaw warehouse.

 4 days laterI  received a bill from Shaw saying I owe over 500 dollars for unreturned equipment.

It is now Feb 16th, and my account still does not reflect the equipment as being returned.

i also over paid for one month prior to my disconnect, and Shaw is holding approx 150.00 hostage in the 


What gives???

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Re: equipment return wait times


Hey allanm,

Thank you for reaching out! I am very sorry for the poor experience you've had and appreciate your patience. Generally, if you scheduled a technician to pick up the equipment it should be removed from your account within 48-72 hours. I'd recommend touching base with customer support to submit an equipment trace. Just let them know the technician's name/agent number if you have them available. Let me know if you have any other questions.


Tony | Community Mod.

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