Update: I completely dropped Mac computers in favour of a...


Update: I completely dropped Mac computers in favour of and iPad and iPhone. Works great. Changed my legacy @mac email address to @Icloud. Gotta stick with the times.

0 Kudos

-- I could not find that thread. See: https://support.sha...

Legendary Grand Master

@proud-boomer -- I could not find that thread.

See: https://support.shaw.ca/t5/tv-discussions/unable-to-post-a-reply-second-page-on/td-p/59767

as one of the threads about the issue.


0 Kudos

Hi all... do we have an update on this??? I've had my Sha...


Hi all... do we have an update on this??? I've had my Shaw email addy for decades... it's my business address.

0 Kudos

-- do we have an update on this?? It's only 11 days since...

Legendary Grand Master

@lisastylegirl -- do we have an update on this??

It's only 11 days since the Shaw/Rogers merger was finalized.  So, the short answer is "no".

How much effort would Shaw have invested since this discussion thread was opened: 2021-03-19 until they knew that the merger would be approved?  Probably, a considerable amount to identify that there was an issue with the "@shaw.ca" legacy E-mail system, and to define possible solutions.  Now that the deal is "done", one of those possible solutions must be evaluated (2 years later) and selected, and then "full speed ahead" ordered to make it happen.  I predict that this will take at least a few months before Shaw customers will have to make any changes.

If your business has its own domain, e.g., "www.buy-dope-from-dopes.ca", you may be able to create an ID, e.g., "sales@buy-dope-for-dopes.ca", publicize it, and then automatically "forward" that E-mail ID to your current ID.  At some time, if you switch your current ID to something like "this_is_my_business@telus.net", just update the "forwarding" rule.  So, your customers will only see that "sales@...." ID, for as long as you run your business.


0 Kudos

My thought is that those that want to keep their Shaw.ca...


My thought is that those that want to keep their Shaw.ca email address will be allowed to. 
Any new customers will get Rogers email accounts

There is no reason for them to get rid of the Shaw.ca email addresses (nobody is taking over Shaw.ca domain name). 
Especially as someone pointed out, just think of all the SPAM we have signed up for with our email addresses over the year. 
For some, it will be a relief, for others a big hassle.

I've been forwarding my Shaw email addresses to Gmail for years, but still use shaw.ca when signing up for things


0 Kudos

That will likely be the case, new customers on Rogers. I...

Grand Master

@Czarl  That will likely be the case, new customers on Rogers. I believe that the company will go all Rogers in the next several months, and the Shaw name will be phased out.

0 Kudos

-- Any new customers will get Rogers email accounts Note...

Legendary Grand Master

@Czarl -- Any new customers will get Rogers email accounts

Note that the "back-end" of Rogers E-mail is now using Yahoo's mail-servers -- the Rogers' mail-servers have been decommissioned. 

> There is no reason for them to get rid of the Shaw.ca email addresses (nobody is taking over Shaw.ca domain name).

That's not true. Rogers will eventually be taking-over "everything" that Shaw has, which includes the domain-registrations for the "shaw.ca" and "shawbusiness.ca" and "sjrb.ca" domain-names.  Eventually, there will not be any remaining Shaw employees to pay the annual fees to their chosen Domain Registrar. 

Also, if Rogers were allow the registrations to expire, by not paying the annual fees, any scammer could take ownership of the domain-name, and then send spoofing E-mail to everybody. Not good!

Important Dates for the "shaw.ca" domain-registration:

Expires On: 2024-03-28
Registered On: 2000-10-30
Updated On: 2023-04-20


0 Kudos

Me too, I've had the same email address since 1997 and am...


Me too, I've had the same email address since 1997 and am going to be hugely upset to lose it. Please leave us alone on this, there is no reason to change the name other than corporate rebranding. Grandfather us and just issue rogers.ca addresses going forward.


0 Kudos

It's now been almost exactly 10 months since the last pos...


It's now been almost exactly 10 months since the last posting to this thread, and I am wondering if anyone has any new insight as to what's next. I have again been hearing rumblings that Rogers intends to eventually abandon email services, the "eventually" however, is the big issue. I have heard (although I really don't trust many sources in these matters), that one of the reason we haven't heard anything yet is because Rogers is spending their legal and structural "man"power on how to fold up Shaw legally. If rumors are correct, right now, the main reason the Shaw name is still on our bills "Rogers with Shaw" is because they are still working on how to roll up Shaw and move Shaw's assets to Rogers, and since that has not yet been facilitated (these processes do take a LOT of time, and corporate take overs and transfers have a lot of complexities) Rogers cannot remove the Shaw name, because all the money that is coming in from Shaw internet customers is officially still being processed through Shaw's accounts. In order for Rogers to be the direct recipient of those payments, they have to actuate some legal changes, and until they do, the financials of Shaw are still owned by Shaw (even if Rogers owns Shaw). You might notice if you have preauthorized Shaw cable or internet services your credit card billing still indicates "Shaw Cablesystems". The mobile services were somewhat easier to transition, apparently, especially for people on the zero plan. When I switched my free Shaw Mobile to Rogers I had to go to a local Rogers store, and even though my Shaw Mobile services was at zero payment a month, much to my surprise, Rogers did a HARD credit check with Transunion to determine I was not a credit risk. Still annoys me, because the person I spoke to at the Rogers store told me it would be a SOFT credit check which doesn't show up on your credit history. HARD credit checks can influence your credit rating (negatively). Before that, I hadn't had a HARD credit check in many years. Be that what it may, the reason for that was because it allowed Rogers to move me off Shaw Mobile and onto Rogers Mobile, as a transfer of services, just like if you changed your mobile carrier. So far, Rogers appears to be having some issues with structuring the transfer of Shaw Internet clients to Rogers clients. Until that happens, Rogers can't do anything about the email services, because, as I understand it, they don't have legal standing to do so... yet. Everything points to Rogers wanting to extinguish the Shaw name corporately, and I expect with that, the Shaw email domain.

I will again suggest that if you are concerned, do what I have done and email both the CRTC and the Minister for Innovation and Science, Francois-Philipe Champagne, who gave final approval to this take over, and inform him of your concerns.

Keep in mind that we are entering an election cycle soon, and that is usually the time government ministers are most responsive to their constituents.

If anyone inside of, or past employees of Shaw/Rogers or anyone else has any hard information regarding the email account status, please let us know.

0 Kudos

Just a quick not that in a prior posting, back in April o...


Just a quick not that in a prior posting, back in April of 2023 I provided an email address for Francois-Philipe Champagne which had a typo in it.  The correct email address is:


(only one "l" in Philipe)

Sorry for any inconvenience that might have caused.



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