-- Before that move, both Telus and Shaw used the same em...

Legendary Grand Master

@proud-boomer -- Before that move, both Telus and Shaw used the same email handing company, Zimbra, out of New Jersey USA. 

ZIMBRA is a software company that creates/updates the "WebMail" software that Shaw uses.

All your Shaw E-mail messages are stored in Calgary, not outside of Canada.

$ tracert -4 imap.shaw.ca

Tracing route to imap.glb.shawcable.net []

4 11 ms rc1wt-be40.wa.shawcable.net []
5 35 ms rc3so-be82.cg.shawcable.net []
6 34 ms rd1so-ge5-0-0-5.cg.shawcable.net []

7 34 ms 32 ms 33 ms mail.shaw.ca []

Note that "imap.shaw.ca" and "mail.shaw.ca" are aliases that map to the same IP-address.


0 Kudos

This is in response to mdk - for some reason I am being b...


This is in response to mdk - for some reason I am being blocked from replying to individual posts and can only respond to the original post.

First, thank you for your correction.  That is not what that same local tech show has said for several years now, on dozens of occasions, and he supposedly has insider connections with Shaw.

If your statement is accurate, the servers might indeed be in Calgary, but which entity is responsible for the actual email mechanics?  Does Shaw still handle all the functionality of the email with @shaw.ca distribution in and out of our email mailboxes, or is Zimbra or some other secondary contractor handling the email, regardless of where it is stored physically.  If one reads Synacore/Zimbra's website (Synacore acquired Zimbra back in 2015) suggests they manage thousands of email providers around the world.  So, if you do know, what is the actual mechanism in how Shaw email is processed.  Is Shaw still managing the email system, or is Zimbra running it?

I look forward to your reply, I wish to better understand the stuff behind the curtain.  Thanks.




0 Kudos

There is an extensive publication on line now regarding t...


There is an extensive publication on line now regarding the Shaw/Rogers situation.  It can be found at:  Shaw & Rogers Coming Together FAQs

for Shaw clients.

I've read it through, and as of now pretty much nothing is changing for Shaw clients.  While it is not a merger, as such, for now Rogers is going to maintain both companies as unique entities.  That also goes for email, billing, value plans, fees, pre-approved credit card payments, etc.  However, while we are being assured that nothing is changing, every answer starts or ends with "at this time/point", and "if a change will be happening we will communicate that to you". You can even continue to be served by both Rogers and Shaw if you use both of their services, and you will continue to receive two bills, one for each company.

The only area I see where change can be initiated is in regard to Shaw Mobile.  You will have the option to have your cell services moved to the Rogers cell network is you wish to. I expect that you will, in most cases, have better service that way in most areas that Shaw serves. Rogers is obligated under the agreement to honour whatever your current pricing is for Shaw Mobile, free, $10, $25 or whatever, for 5 years, I assume starting to count now.

I've run a number of businesses. Having redundant operations costs a lot of extra money, so I expect as Rogers moves their infrastructure west (they have promised to open a western office, in Calgary, which may or may not be the current head office of Shaw) Rogers will absorb certain aspects of the services into one.  When? Who knows.

I am breathing a sigh of temporary relief regarding my email addresses, but I am not naive enough to believe Rogers will continue running as if there are two companies.  Before that happens, however, they may determine a way to grandfather the @shaw.ca email addresses on a longer ongoing basis (at least I hope so). I still use pop3 mail services, which have become hard to find.  Most have gone to imat, but that structure doesn't work well for my needs, so I do hope Rogers/Shaw will maintain that protocol.

Anyway, for anyone who is concerned I suggest you read their new web information on line.



0 Kudos

I agree about the Shaw Mobile, Rogers will wind it down p...

Grand Master

@proud-boomer  I agree about the Shaw Mobile, Rogers will wind it down pretty quickly and migrate those customers. It is actually a good deal, the Shaw Mobile price, frozen for 5 years with Rogers coverage.

As for email, don’t lose any sleep over that, it would be a long time, if ever, that Shaw email goes away. They may stop stop adding new @shaw email addresses and get rid of existing ones through attrition, but the last thing on their minds would be walking a few hundred thousand email clients through a migration.

0 Kudos

-- for some reason I am being blocked from replying to i...

Legendary Grand Master

@proud-boomer --  for some reason I am being blocked from replying to individual posts and can only respond to the original post.

That issue is a separate "thread" within this discussion forum.  The issue arose very recently -- it worked, for years.

That is not what that same local tech show has said for several years now, on dozens of occasions, and he supposedly has insider connections with Shaw.

ZIMBRA is just software, virtually located between your computer's web-browser and Shaw's mail-repository servers in Calgary. 

If your statement is accurate, the servers might indeed be in Calgary, but which entity is responsible for the actual email mechanics? 

The functionality is in a web-browser window, when you click something, or type something. The ZIMBRA software (running on your computer) communicates your interaction with Shaw's mail-repository, e.g., "delete" or "open" a message.

Does Shaw still handle all the functionality of the email with @shaw.ca distribution in and out of our email mailboxes,

Yes. When somebody sends an E-mail to you, your mailbox on the mail-repository is updated. The ZIMBRA software occasionally asks "is there any new message?" and updates the content of the web-browser's window.

or is Zimbra or some other secondary contractor handling the email, regardless of where it is stored physically. 

On your computer, you interact with the ZIMBRA software, to "handle" your E-mail, e.g., to open/delete/reply-to a message.

If one reads Synacore/Zimbra's website (Synacore acquired Zimbra back in 2015) suggests they manage thousands of email providers around the world. 

What do they mean by "manage" ? Simply to provide an interface, inside your web-browser, for you to "manage" your messages, or do they actually store your messages on their own "managed" servers?

Is Shaw still managing the email system?

Given that the Shaw mail-servers are physically located in Calgary, I would say "yes". There does exist the possibility that there are mail-servers managed by Synacore/ZIMBRA that are physically located in Calgary, in Shaw's "Corporate Data Centre" offices.

For example, if one disk-drive is failing, Synacore/ZIMBRA would "handle" its physical removal/replacement & reconfigure their computer software & hardware to accommodate the replacement.



0 Kudos

Thanks mdk for putting up with my questions.  Your explan...


Thanks mdk for putting up with my questions.  Your explanation is very helpful.  I will look into the thread regarding the current problems with the forum interface. When it first occurred I spent over half an hour with chat tech suport and they sent me through a bunch of troubleshooting steps, and then said "well, its probably the website".

It seems, at least for now, that our email addresses are safe with the Rogers acquisition of Shaw.  Hopefully, they will realize that for those of use who still rely upon Shaw email addresses, this is a critical function that should be maintained.  For now, I get to sleep easier 😉 


Thank again,



0 Kudos

What will happen to my email address


What will happen to my email address

0 Kudos

-- The only area I see where change can be initiated is i...

Legendary Grand Master

@proud-boomer -- The only area I see where change can be initiated is in regard to Shaw Mobile.  You will have the option to have your cell services moved to the Rogers cell network [if] you wish to. I expect that you will, in most cases, have better service that way in most areas that Shaw serves.

Don't forget that Shaw Mobile has been using the Rogers cell-phone towers, rather than any towers of their own.  So, your connectivity will not change after the "rebranding" process.  😞


0 Kudos

>Don't forget that Shaw Mobile has been using the Rogers...


>Don't forget that Shaw Mobile has been using the Rogers cell-phone towers, rather than any towers of their own.  So, your connectivity will not change after the "rebranding" process. 

Well, that's unfortunate, as my Shaw Mobile coverage here is awful.  They told me I was "between two towers" and just far enough away from each that there could be connectivity issues.  As a result, I have maintained my land line, since using the cell network without my wifi is garbage, and when the power is out, so is the wifi, so my land line has a UPS backup.  I suppose the one good thing is that Rogers might eventually upgrade the service and number of towers as 5G is incorporated, something Shaw was never going to do.

Any word on if they are working on fixing the reply function for individual postings?  I couldn't find that thread, and it still isn't working for me.


0 Kudos

Shaw Mobile uses the Freedom Mobile service, but probably...

Grand Master

@proud-boomer  Shaw Mobile uses the Freedom Mobile service, but probably uses Rogers for roaming. Service should improve once you are migrated to Rogers.

0 Kudos