Hitron modem giving me troubles once again exactly one year later

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Last year I posted in an effort to fix an issue regarding packet loss every 10 minutes or so. This year it has returned with the exact same symptoms as last time it happened:

  • wireless and wired devices both lose internet for the brief time there is packet loss
  • happens more frequently this time (every 5 minutes or so)
  • no matter the time of the day (morning, afternoon, evening) there is intermittent packet loss
  • resetting the modem through the internet browser and power cycling does not fix the issue
  • download and upload speeds are good

During the summer the internet was all fine and well. Just until recently it has been giving me hell. Loading webpages,

gaming, streaming all come to a halt.

Attached is evidence of such packet loss.

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7 Replies

Re: Hitron modem giving me troubles once again exactly one year later

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Maybe the incoming plethora of "maintenances" saying they will reset modems is finally the rumored fix for Intel Pumas?


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Re: Hitron modem giving me troubles once again exactly one year later

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Is there such a thing coming? I think I've come to the conclusion that the DNS servers are crapping out. The symptoms have gotten a little better but I'm still experiencing drops every so often.

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Re: Hitron modem giving me troubles once again exactly one year later

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Shaw keeps saying "they're working on it", "we're waiting on Intel to finish testing" bla bla.. typical company replies when they are truly clueless or don't care. So that was my own speculation.

Shaw DNS servers are poor, at least my city's are, add 2 more DNS servers to your network, i use Cloudflare, OpenDNS, Google in addition to Shaw's, so Shaw ones are free to stop resolving whenever they want and we still have DNS.

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Re: Hitron modem giving me troubles once again exactly one year later

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I've added Cloudflare through Window's IPV4 settings, should I be doing so on the router webpage instead?

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Re: Hitron modem giving me troubles once again exactly one year later

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Yes so all devices are affected.

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Re: Hitron modem giving me troubles once again exactly one year later

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Unfortunately for me, I changed the DNS settings under the WAN section and I'm still experiencing packet loss issues.

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Re: Hitron modem giving me troubles once again exactly one year later

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Problem isnt DNS then.

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