how can I free up a reserved IP address for use with another device


All of my devices have reserved IPs assigned via the modem/router web interface in the Arris XB6. That's fine until I want to delete a device and use the IP for another different device I plan to add to my network. Clicking the X to delete it from the "Offline Devices" list) only sends a COPY of the entry to the "Blocked Devices" list under the "Managed Devices" section, under Parental Control. If you go back to Offline Devices, the original entry is still there, but without the X to delete it! Deleting it from Managed Devices or editing the MAC or device name (which are options in the Manage Devices list) puts the X BACK into the Offline Devices list. I did a chat with Shaw support, but was told that "reserved IP is not supported by Shaw" even though it is supported by the hardware. Trying to delete a device from the "Online Devices" list presents a popup offering to move the item to the Blocked Devices list, which ultimately presents the same follow-on problems. My 7-year-old Linksys router has the ability to delete a "DeviceName/MAC/IP" combination; why is this modem/router so twitchy? Anyone have a solution that I've missed?

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13 Replies

Re: how can I free up a reserved IP address for use with another device


Hey sparcker,

Thank you for reaching out! Personally, I have not tried using the reserve IP options in the XB6. My only suggestion for this is to complete a PIN hole factory reset here to see if you can manually re-assign reserved IPs for your devices. This should remove any pre-existing data on the XB6. Maybe some other experts from our Community will chime in on this.


Tony | Community Mod.

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Re: how can I free up a reserved IP address for use with another device


Has the same problem. Tried changing device with reserved ip back to DHCP, assigning a different reserved IP address with no success. Very frustrating that something that is very basic but is not working/wasting so much time. 

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Re: how can I free up a reserved IP address for use with another device

Not applicable

Resetting the Blue Curve Gateway to "Factory Default" works but you will have to setup all the parameters again!

I found that the "Shaw Home" App on mobile device may help.

After I installed the Shaw Internet 300 with the Blue Curve Technicolor XB6 router, I started to enter some devices with reserved IP addresses such as wireless printer. However, I made some mistakes and tried to delete the entry and I encountered the same problem above.

I was then installed the "Shaw Home" App, login with my Shaw account ID and password.

Wonderful! I can see my router setting remotely (even I did not enable remote management! and I believe that was done through Shaw monitoring channel proprietary). This is a convenience or a risk? I leave it to the audience.

I can see all connected and not connected devices. The one I setup for reserved IP device is also in the off-line list.


I could then select the device under the "Devices" button and I scrolled to the bottom and clicked on the "Device details" link.

I can then see all the device details including the MAC, IP set for and connection point same as I saw from the router web portal.

At the bottom, there is a "forget device" link and I clicked on it and confirm to delete it. 

I then go back to the device list by clicking the "devices" button again from the bottom menu bar. The device is gone from the off-line list. 

I have not go home and check the device list from the home computer web portal to the router yet but I believe it is gone without the need to factory reset the router.

Hope this help.

Note after check at home: 

Sorry, that DOES NOT WORK. I checked from home router web portal, the device is still in the offline list! It just hided up from the "Shaw Home" App.

The "Factory Reset" look like still be the only way to clean that up (I tried that and confirm it worked but you need to redo the configuration from scratch).

Hope there will be a software patch for Blue Curve XB6 Gateway router released in the near future to address this issue.

However, "Shaw Home" App still be a very good tool for remote control or configure the Blue Curve Gateway router.


I have this exact issue. I wish there was a real solution...


I have this exact issue. I wish there was a real solution instead of "factory reset it"


Also exact same issue even in dec-2019. I made a few erro...


Also exact same issue even in dec-2019. I made a few errors in setting up 18 reserved ip addresses. AND say what i have to factory reset the Blue curve modem , I wish their was at least an EDIT function. How designed this software anyway.



Yup.  Might be time to look at putting it in Bridge mode...


Yup.  Might be time to look at putting it in Bridge mode and having something decent manage DHCP and DNS.


Is there any chance we can get a real solution to this is...


Is there any chance we can get a real solution to this issue that doesn't involve wiping all of our settings every time? This is a basic feature that has been part of all routes since the early 2000's and it's absurd that something as new and fancy as the XB6 can't handle basic DHCP lease management without a factory reset every time. 


Shaw really needs to up its game. This is the first time...


Shaw really needs to up its game. This is the first time since ~2005 that I've had to consider buying a seperate wifi router for my home network just to maintain assigned IPs for devices. 


This is absolutely infuriating and mind-boggling SHAW can...


This is absolutely infuriating and mind-boggling SHAW can’t be bother to provide a solution. Factory rests don’t work. I have now waisted hours on something that should be extremely simple to update. I especially love that more technical settings and functionality has been removed or hidden from customer control. The site is comply garbage it’s very little access to function, stalls, fails to update pages.

Thanks SHAW you’re doing a smashing job keep up the stellar service and support. 

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