the signal from your modem is a bit out of spec, I'd reco...


@cg_user the signal from your modem is a bit out of spec, I'd recommend trying the additional step here. When you un-bridge the modem, try connecting directly to it to see if the problems persist (packet loss). If the issues continue and the signal is still out of spec, a service technician is recommended to fix that.

As for the issue with Thursday/Friday disconnects, an implementation strategy is coming up towards a resolution.


Thanks for checking.  I removed a splitter that wasn't be...


Thanks for checking.  I removed a splitter that wasn't being used anymore (was for shaw phone) but I still see the same SNR numbers in the modem so I don't think that fixed it.  What is the "spec"?  Is it something I can check on the modem config page (like SNR)?

I'll contact support and get a tech to check it out as you suggested if its still not in spec.

0 Kudos

the RF signal is something that is not shown within the m...


@cg_user the RF signal is something that is not shown within the modem config page. I've replied to your post here on your next steps.


I am going through this right now, Shaw keeps telling me...


I am going through this right now, Shaw keeps telling me it will be fixed dont worry and they add the :).... What they dknt seem tonget yet Inhave explained, during COVID-19 when they say they understand the frustration they do not. Unless they themselves have the exact same situation (recently moved away from wife and 3 sons for work in a different city, and we do a rotational at our office and the rest is zoom meetings etc.) They do not understand. The frustration comes when, as a returning customer, I have had this issue compounded upon other issues. Inhave had my request for services in since Late April, its Nearly June and I do not have internet services here yet. 


It started out as an error where with self plug in etc. That the lines were not aligned correctly. As itnwas I had to use a line that was behind my panel and that was after 3 calls and chats and a tech visit. 


Fast forward a day and I start to lose data. I call back and they tell me the system is "Learning" and that some data loss is anticipated. Ok sure I assume they know what they are talking about, and they guarantee it will be back on 24/48 hrs.

Ok I say fair enough, I can manage a day or 2 (although its pushing into a week now without proper internet and 2 days without internet at all) but then I contact Shaw tech again to get an update today. I get told flat out that its a national emergency and that we are just S.O.L... I even got a 🙂 from the tech... 

I am simply sad that after searching for this issue the immediate framework that came up was this thread.


I am also experiencing the EXACT same issue as the OP - i...


I am also experiencing the EXACT same issue as the OP - it's as if it were written by me.

I've tried 2 new modems, had a tech visit, and called tech support like it was a 2nd job. Still keeps happening.

This issue is all over when you search for it - it's a problem with Shaw, not my local modem/connection.


Also having the same problem. Constant disconnects - ligh...


Also having the same problem. Constant disconnects - light on modem stays white but all 9 devices I have hooked up (wireless and hard wired too) say connected, no internet. Shaw is not seeing any problems on their end. I have a tech scheduled to come out tomorrow. Not sure it's going to help after reading other peoples posts with all the same issues. This is new - my internet was always stable up until about 2 weeks ago and has gotten increasingly worse to the point where I'm getting knocked offline at least 1 or 2x / hour. Always fun when one is attempting to work from home during COVID. 

Support, while friendly, has not been helpful at all - their go to response seems to be "reset the modem" they sent out a new modem and that didn't make a difference. I've even tried changing the location of where the new modem is plugged in 4 different times, that has also not helped. 

This is seeming more and more like a Shaw problem and not a customer problem.  


0 Kudos

> it's a problem with Shaw, not my local modem/connection...

Legendary Grand Master

> it's a problem with Shaw, not my local modem/connection.

I agree with the first phrase -- if you were connected via Telus, you either would not have this problem, but you might have a different problem with their feed.

I agree with part of the second phrase -- you say that you have tried 3 modems, with no change in the symptoms.

I disagree with your dismissal of it being a "connection" problem. Contact Shaw, and get them to remotely logon to your modem, to observe "signal strength" and other parameters, to see if the problem is in the "last mile" (cables inside your residence, cable going to the nearest telephone-pole, cables from pole-to-pole up-and-down your street).


0 Kudos

-- Shaw is not seeing any problems on their end. I have a...

Legendary Grand Master

@Retriever -- Shaw is not seeing any problems on their end. I have a tech scheduled to come out tomorrow.

That's good. It could be a "last mile" problem (wiring inside your residence, cable going to the nearest telephone-pole, pole-to-pole cables up-and-down your street).

Tell us what the technician finds, and what they do.

> Not sure it's going to help after reading other peoples posts with all the same issues.

Unfortunately, when Shaw does fix their problems, they don't report back on this forum.

> my internet was always stable up until about 2 weeks ago and has gotten increasingly worse

Maybe, a kink in the cable. Is it a tree-branch leaning against an outdoor cable? Lots of wind repeatedly flexing the cable beyond its limit? Maybe, squirrels biting on the cable? I have seen squirrels, running along the pole-to-pole cables outside my home.

> they sent out a new modem and that didn't make a difference.

This points to a "last mile" problem.

> I've even tried changing the location of where the new modem is plugged in 4 different times, that has also not helped. 

This points to a "last mile" problem, not a house-wiring problem, unless there is a faulty "coaxial-splitter" inside Shaw's "demarcation box" on the outside of your home.  The technician should open the box, and try a different 1-to-4 splitter.

> This is seeming more and more like a Shaw problem and not a customer problem.  

Yes.  Tell us what the technician does.


0 Kudos

I definitely will do. Working today and ruling out any po...


I definitely will do. Working today and ruling out any power drains and things of that sort before the tech comes, my hope is it's an external problem with the coaxial line (it's underground but who knows) or the box in the alley. 

0 Kudos

Tech came out, I installed another new modem - connected,...


Tech came out, I installed another new modem - connected, no internet.   Tech verified same on his phone. Hooked modem directly to coax coming into house rather than via one the coax outlet on the main floor, no improvement. Tech said he is going to have to escalate to Plant Ops and send them out, he's taking photos and making notes at the main Shaw box. He said usually 24-48 hours for Plant Ops to respond, it must be the connection from the Shaw box in the alley, house & wiring ruled out as the issue. So now we wait, in the meantime I'll be struggling with constant disconnects. I hope they find and fix the issue out there!! I'll post again in a few days. 

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