Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


shaw-tony‌ Do you know when they actually cleared the report?  If it was before 8:30 last night then I'm skeptical that my problems are resolved since my levels dipped and I lost connection.   If it was after then I'm hopeful.

I've just reset the modem to clear my uncorrectable counts and I'll monitor over the next few days to see if it's holding up.  To be fair, the counts weren't that bad over the last 24 hours since I reset.

Speeds at the moment are reasonable ~450mbit, hopefully things will go back to normal.

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Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


 it was reported resolved as of 1:00 PM MT. Please definitely report back if the uncorrectable errors show up still. We would need to submit a ticket for further investigation. 

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Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


Thing were mostly stable last night, I didn't encounter any drops up until 11 or so when I packed it in early.

I did seem to have a blip in the continuous ping around 6:45 this morning which seems to be confirmed by the spike in uncorrectables since I reset yesterday.  I was sleeping at the time so I wasn't able to check to see if it corresponded with a drop in the signal at the modem or not.

The other thing is that the # of correctables on the outer channels seem extremely high at around 20% and continue to climb at around the same pace.  Is this normal?

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Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


 I am not sure what reporting program you are using. Having correctables should be normal as there is no loss. I checked in and everything looks good right now. 

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Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


shaw-tony‌ I'm using Ping Tracer to run a continuous ping which continues to show bursts where I lose packets in a small window and clean otherwise.  I haven't been at the computer the few times it has happened today but I'm starting to show uncorrectables on the modem UI again.

Typically these will correspond to the dropped packets and the behavior that I get if I'm online is being disconnected from any realtime activity followed by a complete loss of internet for up to 5 minutes.

If anyone else is reading this and is on the 600 mbit service I'd love to see your modem signals and ratio of correctable/uncorrectable codewords.

If anyone is asking what a codeword is:

DOCSIS Codeword Errors | What you should know 


Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


This looks very similar to mine, but my modem reports absolutely no signal abnormalities. That's the confusing thing - I have correctable codes on only 2 channels, about 0.15% of total codewords, and absolutely no uncorrectable codewords. The other side looks much the same. As far as the system can tell, there's no data loss for me.

I've rewired everything up to the demarc and gotten to the point with a tech where we've agreed it's either the built-in router component or the modem itself (because it continues to respond to pings even when the coax is disconnected at the wall), and if not that, it's on the Shaw end of the connection.

It's possible there's some strange firmware issues going on, but your readings look more indicative of signal problems. Mine look more like.. well, they don't appear to exist, I can only measure the drop with ping plotting. Seeing it happen on multiple devices is the only way I know it's not my own hardware.


Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


tosslehoff‌  Thanks for the super quick response.  The frustrating piece is that the signal looks ok most of the time, it's just the blocks during the 5 minute windows.  It's hard to tell if things are any better since the noisy signal issue was called resolved since it's not a constant issue (which I wish it were).  I've just flipped my split configuration to give myself 3.5 more db at the modem which was terrible the other night since I think it just amplified the signal noise.  Things seem somewhat alright (yet again) for the time being but it could go sideways at any point.

When you say you only have 0.15% correctables, are you summing across all of your channels?  If so, what's your % when you just consider the single channel?  I was getting 20% before I switched my split config.  It's now down to ~10-12% but I'm not sure what I'd expect there, maybe it's much ado about nothing but I do know my quality of experience plummets when the uncorrectables appear.

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Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


I have 0.15% correctables on the very first and very last channel. on average, and summing per channel, but they both have the same number of correctables and codewords, so it's a very very low number if summed overall. like.. 

(378514 / 23449816820) * 100.. 0.0016% 

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Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


Saturday night at 7:10, signals dropped again, packet loss.

Uncorrectables spiking again, I'm at a loss.  I've rebooted the modem yet again and the signal has come back up a bit. 

shaw-tony Is there any monitoring that can be done from the other side?  It's not a consistent thing so having someone look at a point in time all that they determine is that, yeah, things look good, not our problem.

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Re: Intermittent Loss of Connection (Multiple times per day)


Looks like I dropped a few more times overnight.  Here's my current set of uncorrectables after the last reboot ~22h ago.

As always, they don't creep up until my connection gets bad and then they suddenly spike.

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