Another day with Shaw another drop. Stepdaughter couldn


Another day with Shaw another drop. Stepdaughter couldnt connect on her laptop. I check the connection and she is connected but limited connectivity. I check my phone first thing and I have actually been browsing on my LTE for the last who knows how long. So I go and reboot the modem. Not sure why there modems take forever to reboot. Anyway the connection comes back up but 30 mins later it's painfully slow again. Pages won't load etc. This is embarrassing. Starting to think about just paying the cancellation to get out of the contract. I shouldn't have to pay it because Shaw is technically breaching the contract. Maybe CRTC is the next step. 

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> Starting to think about just paying the cancellation to...

Legendary Grand Master

> Starting to think about just paying the cancellation to get out of the contract.

Pre-COVID, two TELUS door-to-door representatives offered to "buy me out" of my "triple-play" two-year Value Plan, if I switched everything to TELUS.  So, I wonder if you call TELUS, you can still get that offer?  Or, were they B.S.'ing me?

> I shouldn't have to pay it.

Good luck getting out of a signed contract.  By the time that you pay your lawyer, and get a court-date (impossible now, due to COVID-19), you'll be broke, and your contract may have expired.


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> it's painfully slow again.  Oops. Forgot to mention to...

Legendary Grand Master

> it's painfully slow again. 

Oops. Forgot to mention to check the activity lamps, at the Ethernet socket in the cable-modem, and at the Ethernet socket in your computer, to see if there is "rapid-flashing", to indicate a lot of traffic, such as caused by a computer-virus on one of the computers on your private network.

Also, launch the Windows "Task Manager", and switch to the "Performance" tab, and select the active network adapter (WiFi? Ethernet?) to see the "send" and "receive" rates of transmission. While you are just "viewing" (reading one E-mail, or scrolling-through one web-page), those counters should be "zero".  Of course, any background activity (Adobe Update, anti-virus update, Windows Update, OneNote update, iTunes update) could be active.

How many people in your home are simultaneously using Zoom, Skype, WebEx, et cetera? Or, watching YouTube or using the Global TV app to stream episodes?



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Any luck? Mine started doing it a couple weeks ago out of...


Any luck? Mine started doing it a couple weeks ago out of no where. Replaced modem and no change. Service people said they can see issues in the neighborhood but technicians said there is nothing wrong with area and won’t send anyone out. There is 6 people on my street all having the same issue and it all started on the same day. 
wondering if you or anyone has found a fix since Shaw won’t fix it. 

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Any luck? Mine started doing it a couple weeks ago out of...


Any luck? Mine started doing it a couple weeks ago out of no where. Replaced modem and no change. Service people said they can see issues in the neighborhood but technicians said there is nothing wrong with area and won’t send anyone out. There is 6 people on my street all having the same issue and it all started on the same day. 
wondering if you or anyone has found a fix since Shaw won’t fix it. 

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-- Replaced modem and no change. That is an indication th...

Legendary Grand Master

@ntannahill -- Replaced modem and no change.

That is an indication that the problem is not your modem. So, where:

  1. the coaxial-cables inside your walls?  Not likely.
  2. the coaxial-cable between your home and the telephone-pole? Not likely, given those 6 people's similar experience.
  3. issues in the neighborhood, even though technicians said there is nothing wrong, and it all started on the same day. 

Coordinate those 6 people to start an online-chat at the same time, and get them to read from the same script (that you provide to them). Maybe, Shaw will get the "hint".  Correct @shaw-tony ???



There seems to be a lot of people with the same issue. It...


There seems to be a lot of people with the same issue. It cutting out all the time. Can work fine for an hour or so and then cut out or cut out every 5 minutes for days. 
Anyone found a cure to any of this? @shaw-tony 
Shaw seems very unwilling to fix it themselves so chances are I’ll be going to TELUS very soon

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that is definitely not normal. The signal to your modem i...


@ntannahill that is definitely not normal. The signal to your modem is a bit off-spec, which may affect your connection. When your Internet goes out, does the lights on the modem stay solid white, or does it reboot? Just to make sure, do you lose connectively over WiFi only or are direct ethernet connections affected as well?


From Richmond, BC, started happening yesterday. Got suppo...


From Richmond, BC, started happening yesterday. Got support on chat. Was informed of on-going maintenance but was completed at the time I reached out. BUT, the connection keeps dropping. I asked if there are maintenance scheduled next day - and was informed that there are none. But it kept happening and actually dropped in the middle of a very important conference call. With more folks working from home these days due to COVID, Shaw should do a better job of ensuring consistently better service. Shaw - you are doing business with us and WE are also conducting business/work through you. Know that this is not just an internet connection - this is a life line for some, perhaps most of US (your subscriber). Getting dropped out of a prototype demo is serious. Much as I would like to vent, I'd rather appeal to your better senses, to be cognizant of the greater need of your subscribers, most especially during these already trying days.

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I upgraded from 150 to 300 mbps in January and have seen...


I upgraded from 150 to 300 mbps in January and have seen significant increase in the frequency of lost connections. Since COVID I’m working exclusively from home and spend at least 5 hours a day on Zoom calls. The Zoom sessions are almost always interrupted, sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting multiple times in an hours. BTW internet speed tests show that download never exceed 60 mbps and upload barely hits 20, so 300 mnps is complete fiction, I upgraded from 150 to 300 mbps in January and have seen significant increase in the frequency of lost connections. Since COVID I’m working exclusively from home and spend at least 5 hours a day on Zoom calls. The Zoom sessions are almost always interrupted, sometimes disconnecting and reconnecting multiple times in an hours. BTW internet speed tests show that download never exceed 60 mbps and upload barely hits 20, so 300 Like others I am sick of Shaw support telling me everything is fine at their end just reboot my modem. And speed doesn’t include wifi delivery, so ‘piss off and leave us alone’ or more polite bored words to that effect. 

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