I’ve always either called or have used live chat to amend my services. I usually use chat as it’s typically faster than waiting on hold (that said when I helped my parents amend their services I called and didn’t have to wait at all, so probably depends on time of day, etc.). I’ve never amended any Shaw service using self-help options so I’m not sure if internet can be upgraded that way.
I just went through chat, and bumped my internet up to the Gig plan. For a measly $5 more, I can't really justify not doing that, especially when last night I ran a speed test when I noticed things being a little sluggish, and literally got 0.71Mbps download speeds via WiFi, so I think something ain't right with that XB6 I have.
@Spatch You can complete the order of Fibre+ Gig on our website. If you need to follow up on the status of the order, please reach out to our account support team at shaw.ca/contact-us.
@ziggurcat Sorry to hear about the unexpected speed issue after upgrading your Fibre+ internet plan. You can try the easy solutions outlined below first to troubleshoot the speed issues: https://bit.ly/3vmhPw7 Feel free to reach out to our technical support team at shaw.ca/contact-us for further advice.
@shaw-daniel no no no that's fine - the slow speeds was with my XB6 modem. I just hooked up my new XB7 10 minutes ago, and things are great so far.
I just ended up bumping up my internet plan to the Fibre+ Gig. For a lousy $5 more, it was worth the effort.
An immediate improvement in my WiFi speeds. My laptop is hitting its max, and my new iPhone went from barely reaching 250Mbps to nearly 700Mbps. That poor XB6 modem was probably just dying a slow death.