Need help with this email send error with Shaw Webmail

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I am trying to send an email using Shaw Webmail to a Contact Group but am getting the following error when I press Send:  

I have clicked Show Details, but it doesn't say anything more, except for the software code for the message. I've tried Send Error Report, but I don't receive anything. I've gone over all my email addresses to make sure they are valid and they all seem to be. I've sent messages to this group before without any problems so not sure why it is happening now. Could it be because I am sending from overseas rather than home this time? 

Any suggestions? 

Thank you. Clarence

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2 Replies

Re: Need help with this email send error with Shaw Webmail


Hey crg,

Thank you for reaching out! If you are overseas, there may be a limit to how many users you can email at once. Are you still able to email a single email address with no errors? If so, I'd recommend limiting the number of email addresses to 10 to see if that works. Keep me posted.


Tony | Community Mod.


Re: Need help with this email send error with Shaw Webmail

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Thanks Tony for your reply.

I tried sending 1 email via webmail and it went through fine.

Then I tried sending to a group of 10 contacts, but I received the same error. I shortened, to 5, then 3, then 2. None of them would go through unfortunately. Seems I can only send to 1 contact from here in Spain.

As I needed to get my email out, I used by work email account to do so.

Thanks for your suggestion though! Clarence
