I have a work email, that is listed as a contact, that I forward from to keep in my personal shaw.
It gets put to spam folder..
But I get this passing through the filter!?!
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@gordn I got those emails and they got filtered, the Shaw spam control isn’t always that effective.
As far as keeping your work email out of the spam folder, I believe if you go to webmail, select the “Preferences” tab along the top and then “Mail” on the left, you can scroll down to “Spam Mail Options” and add the address to the “Allow messages from.”
This is another method, separate from the instructions I gave you a couple of months ago, that I assume didn’t work.
I haven’t used this feature as I haven’t had any mis-directed emails since I moved most of my emailing to gmail, but give it a try.
It actually is and has been for some time now. I have some Globe and Mail's auto-forwarded once a week for movies and books etc. The filter probably hates that.