Overdue account


So I felt behind on my payments at went 60 days over . Giving be a balance of 252$.    I got an email about it and I instantly paid what I could :.      $130 and requested and payment extension for the rest.       Reasonable right ?     Right 👍

Well they sent me another email telling me they will have a decision about the payment extension within an hour.      Well my internet stopped working and 5 days later they responded saying.   I was approved for a payment extensiuon. 


Well I haven't had the internet for two weeks now :.  I somehow owe 337$.  And "may experience interruptions ". 


This is not service.         This is theft .      This is extortion .      Where does this company get off with this nonsense.      They can't even tell me if I'm disconnected or not .    


Do I call billing?        Do I call.  Tech support ?   Or do I call Telus ?  


Please help.



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5 Replies

--  I somehow owe $337 Shaw invoices in advance for the u...

Legendary Grand Master

@Berdy --  I somehow owe $337

Shaw invoices in advance for the upcoming month. So, an invoice will show the amount that they did not receive by that month's deadline for payment, plus it will show the payment for the upcoming month.

If you signed a two-year Value Plan contract with Shaw, and now try to cancel your contract, the contract specifies a $20/month penalty for all the months remaining in the contract. So, adding more "debt" is not what you want.

Also, Telus may do a credit-check, which might show your "overdue" status with Shaw, and Telus may decline to offer service to you.


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Sounds like discrimination to me . You still didn'...


Sounds like discrimination to me .   


    It also sounds like they are invoicing me for a service they didn't provide.      



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You may want to look into Oxio - noty sure of what areas...


You may want to look into Oxio - noty sure of what areas they cover but the use the Shaw lines and are way better at pricing and customer service.

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Call billing and tell them you got approved for an extens...


Call billing and tell them you got approved for an extension and they reinstated your service as you already paid 130 already so you shouldn't have no problem getting reconnected.   

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-- I haven't had the internet for two weeks What lamps on...

Legendary Grand Master

@Berdy -- I haven't had the internet for two weeks

What lamps on the cable-modem are lit?  What colour?

If not lamps at all, check that you are getting AC power to the box.

Any yellow or red lamps indicate a problem -- Contact Shaw [1-888-472-2222] to trouble-shoot.


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