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Port Forwarding troubles


I have a Shaw Blue Curve modem/router device.

On Jan 12 or so I set up forwarded port 443 to a server I had running for my office VPN. The next day when trying it from outside, it wasn't working.
Then for two weeks I had other more important things to do. I tackled it again yesterday, first thinking that maybe I never saved the setting back on the 12th. So I logged in to the management page and saw that the setting was configured.

Then I decided the problem must be with the server (which had worked for a year already at another location) and that I would have to check over the settings on the server.

Well everything looks correct so I go back to the Blue Curve management page. I delete the configured forwarded port. I try to re-add it, it doesn't work.

Try as I might, I cannot configure a port to forward to my server. Whether I try 'manual' or use one of the pre-configured game options. The error message suggests to 'try again later'.

I read many pages of posts/questions on the net from other people with the same problem. Some here on Shaw support, some on Reddit. The only answers seem to be reboot the modem or factory reset the modem.

I rebooted it remotely. It didn't help. I power-cycled the modem (unplugged it, waited, reconnected it). Still doesn't work. I haven't been willing to reset it yet.

I did find one interesting clue this afternoon though: It turns out I can forward ports to the physical machine that this server is hosted on. I just can't forward to the virtual machine for some reason.

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I managed to solve it. It turns out that if the router as...


I managed to solve it.
It turns out that if the router assigns an address to the server (or thinks it assigned the address) then you can configure a forwarded port.

I didn't want my server to just get the next available address. I wanted it where I already had it and where the client machines new to look for it ( So I changed the DHCP Range to ..., enabled DHCP on the server network card, got the desired address, then changed the server network card back to static and changed my DHCP range back to something that wouldn't conflict with the server(s) ( ...

I was then able to enter the Port Forwarding info and have it accepted and stick. And it even worked.

Interestingly I realized afterwards that the DHCP Range and Reserved Addresses could be set up directly on the local router config page ( The DHCP Range can also be set up from the cloud management page (but not reservations).
Note that there is a little delay when configuring the DHCP range in one area before it populates in the alternate area.

So I likely could've simply set a reservation for the device in the local config page then set up the port forwarding in the cloud management page.

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I managed to solve it. It turns out that if the router as...


I managed to solve it.
It turns out that if the router assigns an address to the server (or thinks it assigned the address) then you can configure a forwarded port.

I didn't want my server to just get the next available address. I wanted it where I already had it and where the client machines new to look for it ( So I changed the DHCP Range to ..., enabled DHCP on the server network card, got the desired address, then changed the server network card back to static and changed my DHCP range back to something that wouldn't conflict with the server(s) ( ...

I was then able to enter the Port Forwarding info and have it accepted and stick. And it even worked.

Interestingly I realized afterwards that the DHCP Range and Reserved Addresses could be set up directly on the local router config page ( The DHCP Range can also be set up from the cloud management page (but not reservations).
Note that there is a little delay when configuring the DHCP range in one area before it populates in the alternate area.

So I likely could've simply set a reservation for the device in the local config page then set up the port forwarding in the cloud management page.

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I spoke too soon. It worked on Jan 29th. Now on Jan 30 th...


I spoke too soon.

It worked on Jan 29th. Now on Jan 30 the forwarded port stopped working. I logged into the management page and it showed the port was still forwarded, everything looked good.

So, after a few tests and other considerations, I changed the forwarded protocol from TCP to TCP/UDP and clicked Apply. A few seconds to update and it started working again.

Since I've read many other comments / posts about similar issues I have very little faith that this will continue to work.

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thank you thank you, this worked for me. I was on the cha...


thank you thank you, this worked for me.

I was on the chat with support that kept telling me that Port Forwarding was going to be removed in the near future and linked me to an article that states you need the BlueCurve Home App to do port forwarding but no official statements from anyone at Shaw that this feature was going to be removed.

I had a static IP configured for my device and port forwarding wouldn't work. I set it to DHCP and just like that it works now.

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-- chat with support that kept telling me that Port Forwa...

Legendary Grand Master

@edieta -- chat with support that kept telling me that Port Forwarding was going to be removed in the near future and linked me to an article that states you need the BlueCurve Home App to do port forwarding

That was a "stale" statement/article.  That transition happened a few years ago. They have been many posts in this forum, from Shaw customers complaining that this happened to them -- a long time ago.


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It's no longer work for this method , Done what you did s...


It's no longer work for this method , Done what you did still not working maybe they blocking again

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Okay so in laymans terms what are you saying is network c...


Okay so in laymans terms what are you saying is network card and also cloud management page. It is fine and good that you got it working but since Shaw has terrible in person tech support being clear would be a wonderful thing..Thanks.

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port forwarding has been removed from router's web GUI it...


port forwarding has been removed from router's web GUI

it asks you to use its app bluecrve  for setting up this ....

and then you will find, there is NO WHERE in that app you can set it up !

the document on shaw website is outdated, it tells you to go to adavance settings, blah blah..... where good luck if you can find it there !!!!

no.......even good luck does not help 


why the hack would SHAW remove such important settings ???


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I realize this is super old BUT I just got port forwardin...


I realize this is super old BUT I just got port forwarding working and it's not intuitive, so wanted to post it somewhere.

In the Bluecurve modem's web/admin interface the Port Forwarding section under Advanced just says to use the "BlueCurve app" because it's SO full featured (hah) when actually that app doesn't exist.  So using the "new" Ignite HomeConnect app, you can see your modem fine sure but there's nowhere obvious to setup forwarding.

BUT if you go into Wifi, then into "View Wifi Equipment", then "Advanced Settings" it has a port forwarding section.  Now my device I want to forward to is not on wifi it's directly connected so I thought well this won't work...but turns out all the devices in the list are the entire connected devices list, hardwired or wifi.  The next catch is that the custom names may not match what's in the modem's admin page...mine didn't for the machine I need to hit.  So hunting through each one in the list on the main Wifi connected devices page to find it by MAC or IP to determine what the "name" actually is for it.

This does work, I was immediately able to use the forwarded port.  

Shaw Support of course told me I need to factory reset my modem without any reasoning behind it then told me the app could do it then waffled on that and said it was out of their scope.  Wonderful wonderful...

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