Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


Let me repost my initial discussion which got no reply:

I'm having a real tough time with customer service these past 4 weeks. 4 week ago, suddenly my service stopped working properly in the evenings. Buffering badly on TV streams that have worked flawlessly for the past year. Like anyone, I though well maybe its the TV service, or maybe its my wireless. I put into motion numerous steps to test and disprove this, but customer service still insists its "my problem" not a "shaw problem". This is simply not the case.

-TV streams working fine during the day, and stop working after and around supper time.

-Subscribed to 2 other services, unrelated, in an effort to see if that was the issue, 4 services total, same behavior at the same times.

-Tried different devices, Firestick 4k, Nvidia Shield, i7 laptop, tablet. All the same on the home network at the same times.

-Same behavior happens when trying to use VPN (just to test any possible scenario, I don't use it normally). Connecting to the best server on my phone I get 140+, connecting during the day on any of my devices I get 140+, when my service starts failing my VPN rates reduce to 8Mbps down. Conversely, a friend of mine with the same devices, same service, in a different community will not have any fluctuation in speeds (and, with that he never suffers the same problems I am describing here)

-Factory reset the devices, factory reset the router (Netgear Orbi), factory reset and unbridged the original modem (arris XB6, and now a Hitron (tech came over and insisted my problem would be solved with this modem, it isn't). Went all the way to factory reset and LAN cable to the modem, same behavior at the same times

- Here's the kicker, if I change any of my devices (including the laptop that was LAN'd direct to the modem) to hotspot off of my cellphone, or watch on a pubic network, everything works flawlessly and fast, no buffering at these same times. I can test them back to back and I get the 2 opposites of behavior.

So why, would any of this suffer only on the Shaw network? That's what I would like to know, and its been 4+ weeks of this with little no help from tech (who always do the same tests, noise, interference, packet loss, etc). There is no reason, with S300, that these services should suffer, yet shaw denies there is an issue. I have repeatable, back to back evidence it is isolated to the service in my community. "Stream as much as you want", isn't terribly true. I just want answers, my internet plan is not meeting my needs, yet it was fine for a year beforehand.

Since then I have been told about incident #0524487, and #0521652. 1652 I was told had "no ETA for a fix" and was directly related to media streaming slowdowns at peak times, which for my service means "unusable". Twitter support state that has been resolved, but IT STILL DOESN'T WORK. I've had a regular tech, I've had a senior tech, they both verified my gear and system is NOT A PROBLEM, but there are numerous posts on social media, forums, etc of people having the same issue. Why is this continuing? Its apparent something happened at the beginning of January to change something with the service that suddenly broke numerous customers internet. Yet you can't fix it or come clean with customers? And then to delete the post on top of that?!

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11 Replies

Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


Yeah it's been like this for a month or so. They very briefly fixed it last weekend but it's gone back to being absolute trash again. Rumors on Reddit and etc say that there's apparently router issues in Shaw's main Calgary hub and also in Seattle, but of course Shaw won't confirm any of this and will just blame you and your equipment. It's got me seriously looking at breaking my contract early in favour of symmetrical fiber service.

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Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


Hi aleks192 

We're sorry to hear you've been having issues with your connection. You can find your original post at Shaw 300 not usable in the evenings. Techs insist nothing is wrong  - it has not been removed. However, we have an existing thread relating to a similar issue at Low speeds at night--host specific?? so it's possible that is why you did not receive any replies on your post.

We've been advised that the issue you quoted has been resolved, so if you're still having troubles I would recommend getting in touch with customer support directly so they can take another look. Thanks!

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Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


I've gotten ahold of customer support, as indicated in my post, 8 separate times plus 2 tech visits. I still can't watch anything unless I hotspot off of my phone and bypass the shaw network directly. As I said, someone in your system broke something along the way and myself and others have been putting up with it for a month. I'm not sure how much more clear I can get on it, I can watch anything I want to as long as I'm not connected to my shaw service. I guess my next call will be to cancel my account for non delivery of the stated service, which I should add has worked fine up until that first week of January. Nothing changed on my end.

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Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


Same issue since the outage 4-5 days ago. worked fine before that and now just cuts out at random times completely or partially. Getting sub MB speeds and high latency. support said signal to the modem was low while it was happening then it was suddenly fine and that's when things worked fine. Modem is connected directly to the wall (no filters/ splitters) plus I reiterate that this only has been happening since the outage had the NW of Calgary without internet for 2 days

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Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


Hey davidrom5,

Thank you for reaching out! I am very sorry to hear of the Internet troubles you've been experiencing. If you haven't done so already, I'd recommend first trying all the basic troubleshooting (resetting the modem, testing a direct wired connection, etc). If that still does not resolve your issues, I'd suggest reaching out to our technical support team directly so they can take a closer look at your account/connections and book a tech visit if needed. 


Tony | Community Mod.

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Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


This is a bit of a running joke with Shaw.. That's the only thing I can conclude.

There is multiple threads on this exact issue.. customers are not stupid.. it is easy to find these threads and read about the problem and in EVERY instance Shaw states that there is not a problem.. if you are experiencing issues you should reset your modem and if that doesn't work call technical support and book a tech...


The fact is that Shaw doesn't care about customers.. they know that if you are on their service it's likely b/c you can't get Telus at a rate higher than 50mbp and most customers want a higher speed.

I have been chatting with someone inside of the Shaw organization who is very knowledgeable and works in the tech area.. This person admits there is a problem - they see it but don't know the genesis of the issue. This is the only way to get the truth.. Find someone who actually cares and is willing to listen.

My IPTV works great until 5 or 6 and then flat out crashes and buffers in the night. I had posted a comment, in response to someone that is seeing the exact the same thing in Calgary, and received a response from Shaw that there was an in issue in Airdrie (where I live) but everything is fine now..

NOPE!! It is not fine now.

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Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


Exactly. And it's tiresome. I'm at a month and a week of being unable to watch tv in the evenings and weekends. I've been given multiple incident numbers, and then subsequently told that the incidents are resolved. I've sent video of the problem happening and how it doesn't happen on another network, I've done all of their diagnostics, traceroutes, ping tests, testing numerous things, subscribing to other services, etc. I deal with a different person every time who always starts at the beginning so I lose any ground I've gained every single time. I've been told again that there is no ETA for a fix, but it feels to me like my issue (these issues) aren't a priority, as though it's just ok to them that the service I'm paying for has an obvious, reproducible consistent flaw and it's like a monumental task to get it resolved. I can get Telus gigabit at my location. I'm curious of CCTS complaint process would be more effective. It's apparent there's no escalating customer care line, you deal with the one teir only and then dismiss the concerns

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Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING

Not applicable

I am having the same issue:

Low speeds at night--host specific?? 

It's definitely specific hosts only, and only during peak usage time. They are trying to tell me nothing is wrong with the nodes but thats BS frankly. My 600mbps used to be absolutely rock solid. So I am not sure what the issue is but it's on the server end of things. When my cellphone on LTE can stream Twitch faster than my 600mbps connection, we have a problem.

Seems pretty unfair to prevent me from exiting my contract which I signed onto when I was very happy with the service. From Shaw I get the same tiresome responses. NO I am not on wifi and none of the testing was conducted on Wifi. YES the speeds are 100% fine during the day--it's only during peak usage. What else is there to say.

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Re: Removed my discussion? Shaw 300 in SW calgary video media streaming NOT WORKING


It's like they think we are idiots.. I can use my cell and hotspot my IPTV box off of it and there isn't a moment of buffer, delay or quality issue...

The second I go back to the Ethernet connection... crap..

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