So I've set up my new third party router I bought from best buy, everything seems to be working fine after plugging both power and ethernet in. Is there anything else I need to do to make sure everything keeps running correctly. Here's the model.
did you bridge the shaw modem? recommend doing that. Did it on mine and had to set the dns on my equipment but good to go.
Nope it says I have to call Shaw for that
Or you could use ip passthrough instead of bridging it,,, bridging has to be done by Shaw, ip passthrough you can set-up yourself in the (Shaw) router settings.
I tried this solution but it ended up just making my router not work entirely.
You have to get a second ip address (no extra cost) from Shaw (yes, you need to contact them to enable it) and then set up the ip passthrough once it is active on your service. Then it will work. Search "IP Passthrough for Hitron CGNM-2250" on this site and you will find detailed instructions. I did it, it's easy to do.
So the best to do would be to contact Shaw and ask them to put the modem into bridge mode as I'll have to contact them either way.
I suppose ... I like the idea of the passthrough because, once the second ip is permanently active on the account, I can turn the feature on or off through my own router settings if I ever want to that. Whereas with bridge mode, you have to contact Shaw for turning that on and off - and we all know how long phone/chat queues can get at times. I'm sure there are other pros/cons to either mode, but you'd have to ask Shaw about what they think is best for your particular situation.
ETA: IP passthrough also leaves the Shaw modem's wifi network active and useable, bridge mode will turn that off.
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