May have already been mentioned and I’m sorry if it has.
but have you asked Telus for any help getting out of the Shaw contract. Somebody one of my posts or from the media. (Can’t remember who it was)talked about how one service provider can help with getting out of contracts if it means switching to their services?
im experiencing the same problem. I was forced into a contract by a Shaw employee as part of a rental agreement. Now I am moving into an area that isn’t serviced by Shaw, but the only solution I have been offered is pay them an outrageous amount or switch to their sub par satellite services.
what a racket from a dying company
Hi @megatherium , sorry to hear of your bad experience. Don't know if this will help, but I had a similar situation many years ago.. The apt building I was living in did not have any cable tv outlets in the bedrooms only in the living room, so I called Shaw and they sent someone out to install a split line into the bedroom. At that time I got billed $55.00 for that service (many years ago now), Of course I know it's not Shaw's fault that my building was built screw-ball, how could it be? Anyways this is what I wanted to mention, I presented the bill to my landlord who at first was like no way I'm paying it at the beginning but after some discussion he agreed to pay half as when I left, he would now have an apt. that did indeed have cable connection in the bedroom. Could you maybe try that approach with your landlord? Ok hope things work out for you. Stay Safe.
@megatherium Were either Shaw or the installer upfront with you about the charge? This is not right, no where in the Shaw terms does it mention a fee for service calls, but they do mention that there “may” be a $50 installation charge. If there is a fee for service call, you would think that it would come with some sort of guarantee. Give them a call.
Hi @rstra , in my case they explained to me that yes to service your shaw equipment or repair the lines, is of course covered with no service call fee. However if they are requested to run another line because the infrastructure does not have an outlet in the other room, then you pay for an "install". Doesn't sound 100% right to me either but that was the explanation I was given at the time. I guess it is still happening.
No one mentioned a charge to me and it wasn't until my second ebill arrived in my mail box that a $111.95 service charge appeared. Fortunately when I spoke to someone in their billing department today he told me he agreed it wasn't fair and said he would remove the service charge.
Problem resolved, I think.
Thanks for the response.
I called them this morning and spoke to someone in their billing department. The man I spoke to agreed the service fee wasn't fairly applied and said he would remove. Problem resolved I think.
Thanks for the response.
great to hear @megatherium .
Hey megatherium,
Glad to hear you were able to get that reversed. There should not have been any fee for something like adding a splitter. If they were installing a new cable outlet, that would be another matter, which does have a $49.95 fee.