, I hope you don't actually think that a huge corporation...


@WarrenZ , I hope you don't actually think that a huge corporation is going to personally consult with you on their billing practices, or did you mean without notifications.  If you meant without notification, notices starting going out about all the upcoming changes coming in July, printed on your invoice and also as a banner when you log into your account via the MyShaw app or my.shaw.ca website.  I myself have experienced only receiving an end of month chq. and yes it can screw you up for that first month, totally understandable, but after that your just gonna need to adjust your finances so you can avoid any late fees. By the way Rogers introduced this whole new payment schedule over a year ago to all its customers back East, and yes they bitched like hell also, but to no avail and now Rogers has brought Shaw in line with the rest of their empire.  Oh and by the way I'm told that Telus has the same payment structure now, but I'm not 100% positive.  Yes this whole thing sucks but it is manageable after that first hiccup.  Don't blame you one bit for being upset.  


They informed me did they? Oh well that makes everything...


They informed me did they? Oh well that makes everything better then.

I wonder If I complained before they did this if it would have changed anything. Not!

Nothing I would have done would have made the slightest difference.

For me to get around this, I'd have to pay another extra month in advance. Money I don't have.

They did something similar to me a few years ago, by playing with the due dates.

This action they've committed is going to hurt a lot of people on limited incomes and disability. Some hiccup.

0 Kudos

, don't get me wrong, I totally understand where you are...


@WarrenZ , don't get me wrong, I totally understand where you are coming from, and I don't agree with what they have done either.  Hiccup was a bad choice of words, agreed. I hope you can work things out, or can find another provider that can serve your payment schedule better.    


If as you say Telus has done the same thing. Then my only...


If as you say Telus has done the same thing. Then my only choice is to find some way to come up with the money to make an extra bill payment before the 22nd, and another bill payment at the end of this month. Then I'll be OK as regards late fees.


0 Kudos

, double check the Telus thing, and don't forget about re...


@WarrenZ , double check the Telus thing, and don't forget about re-sellers such as Lightspeed and a few others, I have no idea about their payment schedules.  

0 Kudos

I will, Thanks.


I will, Thanks.

0 Kudos

wrote For me to get around this, I'd have to pay another...

Legendary Grand Master

@WarrenZ wrote For me to get around this, I'd have to pay another extra month in advance. 

Your first payment was due on the 30th day of a billing-period -- after you have received their services for the 30 days -- under their previous policy. Call it "post-pay" for services already received. This is not "advance payment".

Your second invoice was issued on the day after the above due date. Under their current policy, you have 21 days to pay this invoice, namely on the 21st day of already having received services, to avoid any "late" fee. Again, call it "post-pay" for those 21 days, and call it "pre-pay" for the 9 remaining days in your monthly plan. 

Note that if you have authorized auto-debit, it will be deducted on the 14th day, not the 21st day. This is part of their current policy.

If you cannot pay the full amount before the 21st date, pay what you can afford, so that the "late" fee (shown on your upcoming invoice) will be much smaller.

In future months, after this current "transitional" month into their new policy, you will be invoiced just once per month.
