VPN services for geoblocking?


I've been considering trying to set up one of the few VPN services that claim to support access to various programs/services in the US (e.g. Netflix) that are compromised due to geo-blocking. 

I gave up with everyone else when the DNS service providers became ineffectual, but I am now battling a life limiting illness and having access to really great tv shows, etc., can help make things more bearable. I would be fine with paying the additional $4 per month as I don't think IP Passthrough would permit the sort of set up I have been considering. Unfortunately, I tried testing one of the VPN services just on my Android and it doesn't seem like the VPN service is working. In the case of Netflix, I first thought it was due to detection of a Canadian credit card but even when I used PayPal, I could not connect. 

I know tech support can't help with setting up this sort of thing, but I am wondering if anyone can tell me if they know of people who have successfully accessed sites like Netflix. I am still somewhat curious if I could set things up at the router level, but definitely don't have the energy to invest in a hopeless endeavor. If tech support and/or forum users have any general feedback about these VPN services, I'd be grateful.

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4 Replies

Re: VPN services for geoblocking?

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I do this..  Occasionally the VPN provider gets 'detected' or blocked by Netflix and I have to switch servers to find one still working.  A good VPN provider for this purpose is usually already aware and working on it.

VPNs have different purposes and so they have different priorities, choose one that focuses on what you want to accomplish..  Meaning don't choose a 'privacy' focused VPN service for getting around geographic restrictions.

I've got my router setup to give my Xboxes (Netflix) US service, but the rest of our devices are Canadian.


Re: VPN services for geoblocking?

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Once I switched to a VPN provider with WebRTC leak protection in a browser plugin I haven't had a single problem.  What seemed to be happening was although I was connected via VPN, the target site was able to get my real IP via the browser.

I don't use Netflix US but this method got me past the georestrictions of UK/European-based services.

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Re: VPN services for geoblocking?

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I've been in China couple of weeks ago so thanks God to my friend for recommendations of using VPN there. I could not access any social media without it. I used Surfshark as they are quite new, so their servers are not blocked yet there. Plus, I could watch Netflix without any problems. I found a discount before buying it. I used this one: SURF24  (sorry if it is not available already)

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Re: VPN services for geoblocking?

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I am in UK since pas week and regularly accessing American Netflix libraries with my PureVPN account. The speed and overall performance with Netflix is good on my android. Kudos to PureVPN for giving us the better experience with Netflix.

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