-- Are the rumours true that Shaw is trying to eventually...

Legendary Grand Master

@RK2022 -- Are the rumours true that Shaw is trying to eventually eliminate their emIl [sic] service?

Shaw will not do it.  After Rogers buys Shaw, maybe Rogers will do it.

Rogers has "outsourced" their E-mail service to Yahoo. Maybe, Rogers will eventually do the same to Shaw E-mail IDs. 

I first heard the rumour on the "TechTalk" show (10 AM Pacific, live on CFAX1070.com, every Saturday), but that was in 2020, citing "in a few months".  Obviously, it did not happen.


0 Kudos

I know, I've been loyal with shaw for almost 15 years and...


I know, I've been loyal with shaw for almost 15 years and they can't even increase the the email capacity!


-- [Shaw] can't even increase the the email capacity Give...

Legendary Grand Master

@aerigor -- [Shaw] can't even increase the the email capacity

Given the imminent (?) takeover of Shaw by Rogers, I expect that Shaw will not change the capacity, in the short term.

It might be wise to plan to switch to some other provider (GMail, Yahoo Mail, Microsoft Hotmail, et cetera) that offers a larger capacity, before the possibility that Rogers might muck-up, or eliminate, your Shaw E-mail ID.



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I have lost my email totally. I try to sign on, doesn't m...


I have lost my email totally. I try to sign on, doesn't matter which browser I use, and I get an "unsupported browser" message.

They managed, after over 6 hrs on the phone, to get it running, but all my addresses were lost. The tech support lady said, "oh, yeah, that happens when we fix the issue you had." Idiots!

I spent another 2 hrs online talking to a different tech and still nothing. She did get my cell phone email to work, but only once. I try now to get it and the "unsupported browser" message appears.

I can see myself going to a totally different server, and it won't be Rogers either

0 Kudos

-- what Operating System are you using? (Windows 7? Windo...

Legendary Grand Master

@rzanussi -- what Operating System are you using? (Windows 7? Windows 8? Windows 10/11? Apple?)

It was "sunset" for Windows 7 several years ago.

Microsoft sent Windows 8 to its "sunset", earlier this year.

Microsoft has "retired" Internet Explorer.

Microsoft also has stopped updating Microsoft Edge under Windows 7/8.

Have you tried using Google Chrome? Safari? Opera? Firefox?

What cell-phone do you have? An iPhone 8/9/X/11/12/13/SE ? Have you installed the latest version of the IOS (Apple's Operating System) ?



0 Kudos

Hi. I have spent over 12 hrs on shaw's tech support line...


Hi. I have spent over 12 hrs on shaw's tech support line and still have no email. It is funny, how the day the merge went thru, my email stopped working. It had been fine prior to that. (I spoke to a private tech person who informed me that Shaw/Rogers is using Yahoo and they are having nothing but problems with it since the merge)
My phone is a Samsung Galaxy flip 4 and I was using Microsoft Edge for the last umpteen years with no problems.  On other Samsung phones I shoule mention as the flip is only a year old.
During my hours of discussion with the "tech" people at Shaw they tried to open Chrome for me with no luck. They also tried Firefox again with no luck, but mostly it has been Chrome.
The laptop I am using is less than 2 years old. 
Edge still opens other features, like the internet.


0 Kudos

Shaw mail is not managed by Yahoo.

Grand Master

@rzanussi Shaw mail is not managed by Yahoo. 

0 Kudos

-- (I spoke to a private tech person who informed me that...

Legendary Grand Master

@rzanussi -- (I spoke to a private tech person who informed me that Shaw/Rogers is using Yahoo and they are having nothing but problems with it since the merge)

I question the truth of that person's statement.

A few years ago, Rogers outsourced its "back-end" E-mail processing to Yahoo, for better or for worse. I am not in Ontario, where the majority of Rogers customers live.

Recently, Telus outsourced its "back-end" E-mail processing to Google.

While the "Shaw/Rogers" merge has started, I think that it will be a while before any "technical" changes will be made that will be visible to Shaw customers.

During my hours of discussion with the "tech" people at Shaw they tried to open Chrome for me with no luck. 

That is not surprising, since Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are both based on the Chromium open-source software.  So, other than any "customization" that Google and Microsoft have made to the appearance of the software, the two programs function identically, "under the covers".

Note: a few years ago, Microsoft Edge was entirely a program written by Microsoft employees. But, Microsoft stopped using that programming, and rebuilt Edge, to use Chromium as the "base".  Before that "rebuild", some web-sites worked better with Chrome than with Edge, and so some people switched to Chrome. But, now with the same "base", I have no need to use Chrome.


0 Kudos

Empty the trash, when you delete they go into trash still...


Empty the trash, when you delete they go into trash still using up the email space. also empty your spam folder. Hope this works 

0 Kudos

Hi... I agree with you about Shaw increasing the amount f...


Hi... I agree with you about Shaw increasing the amount for our email. It is my understanding that if you are a Rogers mail customer your mail account space is not 1GB (as it is for Shaw customers)... but is a 5GB. With Shaw and Rogers coming together now is the time to make this change Shaw and delight all us Shaw mail users. 

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