Why is my stream skipping?

Not applicable
Hey guys, just recently had an El Gato HD 60s given to me and have been struggling with streaming through SLOBS. I don't skip, drop or lose many frames while streaming, however my stream is skippy. My PC is strictly a streaming PC.. I stream FPS games on the Xbox One. Here's a clip from my earlier stream. 
Mod - removed external link
I have 1000mbps down/50mbps & both my PC and xbox are wired.
  • MOBO - Asus AM3+
  • RAM - G Skill Ripjaws 8GB
  • GPU - Radeon HD 5450
  • PSU - Thermaltake Smart 600W
  • CPU - AMD Fx8350 4ghz 8 core
Wouldn't let me add in a log screenshot so here's the logs copy & pasted
Total frames output: 525237 (526345 attempted)
Total drawn frames: 526405 (526441 attempted)
Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 36 (0.0%)
Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 1108 (0.2%)
Reconnecting in 2 seconds..
Freeing 854 remaining packets
warning: 2 frames left in the queue on closing
preset: faster
profile: main
rate_control: CBR
bitrate: 3500
buffer size: 3500
crf: 0
fps_num: 60
fps_den: 1
width: 1280
height: 720
keyint: 120
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