XB7 Modem and WPA3 Security


Last year we upgraded our modem from XB6 to XB7 and I noticed when first connecting our phones and iPads it was connecting using WPA3.

I didn't pay much attention, but at some point the modem dropped down to only provide WPA2-PSK (AES) level security. The options are greyed out to us.

When I spoke with Technical Support to ask them to push the latest firmware, the agent tried to tell me that I could request to enable WPA3 and was being vague.

I called another time and spoke with a different rep who told me WPA3 never available after checking with her supervisor. I noticed at the time also that one of the broadcasting channels was "unlocked."

This is all very concerning because there is evidence to suggest our modem/network and various devices have been compromised.

For example, our Samsung SmartTV was connected via Wi-Fi and appears to have been firmware hacked. The firmware revision date was set to the year 2106 causing it to error out when automatically checking for updates and this went unnoticed for some time. The TV's serial number appeared to have been modified at least in the software as compared to the original purchase registration email and the physical box we kept. We've since reset the TV and will not be connecting it to the internet again.

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