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cancel my Shaw direct


august 8th 2019 , around  7hpm 

tried in every way to cancel my shaw direct ,,,,pass true the chat box mm the operator said coul not help me on cancleling , told me to call   I did  ,would you believe  after 1h55 minutes waiting on the line , I dint get in touch with no human...I quit ....


for now I took a 180 days leave ,,,,will try later on by registerd letter to join these 

Cant believe in 2019 , that I had to wai almost two hours before I quit the line ,,,,,,every 3 minutes " please be patient an operator is about to answer you " totally rdiculous .no repsect ! 

I tought of getting back after our leave , but now that they made me live this ,no way !


HOw can I get out of there ?<


*Mod removed personal information*


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