Learn how to set up the parental controls feature in BlueCurve TV to restrict viewing of Live TV, on-demand programming and PVR recorded programs. By configuring the Parental Control Settings on BlueCurve TV, you can restrict viewing to those individuals who have access to the PIN (Password). 

Each TV in your household that you want to be protected with parental controls must be set up with a PIN individually. A four-digit Locks PIN is used to enforce content controls, while a Purchase PIN is used to restrict transactions. 

This article will provide insight into:


How to access Parental Controls
  1. Press the Shaw button on your remote.
  2. Use the right arrow or left arrow button to select the gear icon.
  3. Press OK on the remote.
  4. Select Parental Controls and press OK.

BlueCurve Parental Controls


Check out this quick video guide for tips on using parental controls in BlueCurve TV.


Did You Know

You can quickly access parental controls by saying "Parental Controls" to the Voice Remote.


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How to set up your Parental Control PIN (Locks PIN)

You will need to enable and set this PIN to turn parental controls on.

  1. Press the Shaw button on your remote control.
  2. Use the right arrow or left arrow button to highlight Settings which is indicated by the gear icon. Press OK.
  3. Use the down arrow to highlight Parental Controls. Press OK.
  4. Use the down arrow button to scroll down, highlight Parental Control Pin. Press OK to select ON.

    Parental Controls Pin

  5. Enter a four-digit PIN # of your choosing. This is known as your “Locks Pin”.
  6. Re-Enter the PIN # to confirm.
  7. Press the Exit key to return to regular viewing.


Did You Know

Parental Controls are turned off by default. Parental control settings are unique to each digital box in the home. You will be required to program Parental Controls with each box on which you would like to enforce content control. All Parental Controls and PINs can be reset from the Guide, but require that you know your Locks PIN.


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Safe Browse

The Safe Browse setting on the parental controls for BlueCurve TV allows you to hide adult titles and programming from appearing on-screen replacing programming information with "Parental Controlled Program" message. You can set Safe Browse to Medium or High Safety. To set your Safe Browse settings:

  1. Press the Shaw button on your Remote. Browse to Settings.
  2. Use the down arrow to highlight Parental Controls. Press OK.
  3. Use the down arrow button to scroll down, highlight Safe Browse. Press OK to turn ON.
  4. Select either Medium Safety (which hides titles of adult programs and menus in program listings) or High Safety (which hides titles of adult, R, and 18A programs and menus in program listings)

    BlueCurve Safe Browse

  5. Press Exit to return to standard TV viewing, or press Last to return to the Settings

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Setting Locks

With the BlueCurve TV you can restrict viewing access by setting locks based on movie ratings, TV Ratings, Channel, Day and Time and more. To do this simply navigate to the Parental Control Settings on your BlueCurve TV remote control. The following section illustrates how to set locks based on Movie ratings, TV ratings, Channel and Day/Time restrictions. 

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Movie Rating Locks

The Movie Rating locks feature of Parental Controls allows you to lock movies based on the ratings below. To set movie rating locks:

  1. Press the Shaw button on your Remote. Browse to Settings.
  2. Use the down arrow to highlight Parental Controls. Press OK.
  3. Use the down arrow button to scroll down, highlight Movie Ratings Locks.
  4. Use the down arrow button to scroll down and select any of the following ratings.
    • Adult: Adult audiences only
    • R: Admission restricted to persons 18 years of age and older. Content not suitable for minors. May contain: frequent use of sexual activity, brutal/graphic violence, intense horror and/or other disturbing content.
    • 18A: Suitable for persons 18 years of age and older. Persons under 18 may attend but must be accompanied by an adult. May contain: explicit violence, frequent coarse language, sexual activity and/or horror.
    • 14: Suitable for viewing by persons 14 years of age and older. Persons under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. May contain violence, coarse language, and/or sexually suggestive themes.
    • PG: Parental Guidance is advised. Theme or content may not be suitable for all children.
    • G: Suitable for all ages.


BlueCurve Movie Rating Locks

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TV Rating Locks

The TV Ratings lock feature of parental controls allows you to lock movies or TV shows based on the ratings below.  Users will need the four-digit Locks PIN to access this programming.  To set your TV Ratings lock:

  1. Press the Shaw button on your Remote. Browse to Settings.
  2. Use the down arrow to highlight Parental Controls. Press OK.
  3. Use the down arrow button to scroll down, highlight TV Rating Locks.
  4. Use the down arrow button to scroll down and select any of the following ratings:
    • 18+: Adult program
    • 14+: Viewers 14 year and older
    • PG: Parental guidance
    • G: General programming, suitable for all audiences
    • C8: Children eight years and older
    • C: Children

BlueCurve TV Rating Locks

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Channel Locks

The Channel lock feature allows you to lock or restrict access to specific channels in the Guide.  In addition, this feature allows you to review a full list of blocked channels that can be accessed in Parental Control settings. (The Locks PIN is required to access this information.)  To set a channel lock:


  1. Press the Guide button on your remote control.

  2. Use the up arrow and down arrow buttons to scroll to the channel to you wish to lock.

  3. Press the left arrow button once to highlight the logo and channel number of the channel you wish to lock. Press OK.

    Select channel in Guide

  4. Using the right arrow button, highlight Lock. Press the OK

  5. If you have already set up a Parental Controls PIN, you will be prompted to enter your four-digit Locks PIN using the number pad on your remote control before you can continue.

    Lock Channel

  6. Enter the Locks PIN a second time to confirm the channel lock.

To Unlock a Channel

  1. Press the Guide button on your remote control.
  2. Use the up arrow and down arrow buttons to scroll to the channel to you wish to unlock.
  3. Press the left arrow button once to highlight the channel you wish to unlock. Press the OK
  4. Using the right arrow button, highlight Unlock. Press the OK
  5. A prompt will require you to enter the four-digit Locks PIN using the number pad on your remote control before you can continue.
  6. The channel is now unlocked.


Did You Know

You can view a list of Locked Channels by going to the Channel Locks feature within the Parental Controls settings. Press OK button to turn lock on/off on an individual channel. A green lock icon is unlocked while a red lock icon means locked.


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Day and Time Locks

The Day and Time Lock setting allows you to lock all viewing between certain hours on certain days.  Your PIN is required to watch any content during these times.

BlueCurve Day and Time Locks


To set Day and Time locks:

  1. Press the Shaw button on your Remote. Browse to Settings.
  2. Use the down arrow to highlight Parental Controls. Press OK.
  3. If you have set a Parental Controls PIN, you will be prompted to enter it.
  4. Use the down arrow button to scroll down, highlight Day and Time Locks. Press OK.
  5. “Starts” will already be highlighted. Press OK to begin setting time for the viewing restriction lock.

    Start time locks

  6. Use the arrow buttons to set the start time.
    1. Arrow up or down to set the start hour
    2. Use the right arrow to access minutes Then use the up or down arrows to set the start minutes.  Note that you can use any 5-minute increment (:05, :10, :15, :30 etc.)
  7. Use the right arrow to select am/pm Press OK.
  8. On the Day and Time Locks screen, use the right arrow to move over to Ends. Press OK.

    Day and Time Lock Ends

  9. Use the arrow buttons to set the end time.
    1. Arrow up or down to set the end hour.
    2. Use the right arrow to access minutes Then use the up or down arrows to set the end minutes
    3. Use the right arrow to set the am/pm setting for the end time. Arrow up or down to set the end time to am or pm.  Press OK.
  10. On the Day and Time Locks screen, use the down arrow to select the first day of the week you would like to lock. Press OK.  Repeat for additional days.  Note that unlocked days are identified with a grey open lock icon.

    Day and Time Locks

  11. Once you select the day you want to lock, selected days will be shown with a closed blue lock.

    Day and Time Lock Days

  12. Press Exit to return to your regular TV viewing.

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How to set Purchase Protection (Purchase PIN)

PIN Protection accessed via the parental controls allows you to:

  • Set a Purchase PIN for transactions such as movie rentals
  • Your Locks PIN is required to set a Purchase PIN, but the Purchase PIN is independently set (i.e. you will need to set a separate PIN for the Purchase PIN)

Change Purchase Pin

To learn how to create a Purchase PIN and how to turn Purchase Protection On or Off please visit this article.

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