Re: Big Changes To TV Plans


Hi doug_scott , I'm sorry, I was not meaning to be insulting with the suggestions I provided. As moderators, our scope of support on Community includes answering questions to the best of our ability with the information we have - that can mean referring to our existing self support documents on the site, and helping you get in touch with live support if you have any questions that are account related. 

Our policy is to communicate any changes in regular service rates at least 30 days in advance. This would appear as a message on your invoice, usually on the first page just under the total amount due. There haven't been any major rate changes to existing Shaw Cable services recently, other than the Movie Network/Crave TV package increasing by $2. That said, I believe Shaw Direct just had a rate increase about a month ago. Is your service with Shaw Direct by any chance? 


Re: Big Changes To TV Plans

Not applicable

But Prices on the Website are up for all Theme Packs .The old prices of $7/$10/$15 are now  $7/$14/$21,  affecting the second and third pick in each Theme group. The Sports theme is even worse. TSN +Sportsnet was $16. Now pick 1 is $15 and $25 for both (up $9 for the two). And no rate change announcement at  Service Outages & Updates page. Just one for the June increase.

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Re: Big Changes To TV Plans


Hopefully this can't be true but someone on another site posted that now we can no longer change which Theme Packs go into our TV package. Hopefully somebody from SHAW can respond to this and all the other questions we have with this new TV setup. 


Re: Big Changes To TV Plans


That's why cable is dying and they will keep on losing subscribers in the near future if this keep up, expect more number to down in the quarterly results soon includes after their June annual increase.  i'm tempting to go back to Sasktel after few years with Shaw.  not now but next year or so i'll keep their net but cancel TV.  i can catch my shows online.  

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Re: Big Changes To TV Plans


Timeshift and Fight Network are not listed on the channel comparison either. When I called about this, I was told it's now extra $ for items not listed on the chart. 

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Re: Big Changes To TV Plans


Can somebody from SHAW please come on here and answer all of our questions about this big ( and totally unannounced ) change to the TV packages:

- will current customers be allowed to keep their current Theme Pack ????

- are we still allowed to occasionally switch around our Theme Packs ????

- I'm on a 2-year so will I be able to renew my Medium TV with 8 Theme Packs once the 2-year deal is up ????

- are any channels not listed here ( ) extra and if so - how much ???? Once again - where is all of this information listed ????

I have to say that despite how much I defend SHAW this whole thing has been handled in a p*ss poor fashion.


Re: Big Changes To TV Plans

Not applicable

This is based on past experiences when they made other programming/package changes...

Yes, you'll be allowed to keep your current theme selections

Not likely be able to make changes

Might be able to renew, but it should just continue month-to-month at the non-discounted pricing

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Re: Big Changes To TV Plans


Hi bostonbob 

Existing customers are not affected by this change unless they decide to change their packaging. Existing packages will be grandfathered, which means that if you change to the newer packages you won't be able to go back. You should still be able to swap your theme packs or add additional theme packs so long as you are not changing the base package.  

Typically when you renew a 2 Year Value Plan, it would be at the current in market rates for current packaging, so you will most likely have to change packaging to renew. I would check with customer support when the time comes to be sure, as these sorts of things can change. 

The cost for individual pick and pay channels can vary. The majority are $4 per month, but some may be more due to higher network costs. You can find a list of Pick and Pay channels here: Add Channels, Add a Channel, Pick & Pay Channels | Shaw  Depending on the plan and configuration, some of these may or may not already be included in the base package, so it's best to speak with customer support directly and they can email you a channel comparison or let you know the costs for specific channels based on your current subscription. 

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Re: Big Changes To TV Plans


Hi Tamara - thanks for responding. Most of us here had already figured out pretty much most of what you said but it is great to finally have some confirmation. I'll be swapping out the " Hollywood Suite " theme pack for the " World and Adventure " theme pack in a few weeks so we'll see how that goes. My only other comment is this - it was pretty sneaky of SHAW to spring something like this on its customers with not only no advance warning but there wasn't even any kind of announcement. Heck - there still hasn't been any kind of announcement so the only way to find out about it is to check out the TV packages page. Please pass along our displeasure to the appropriate people although I really think they stopped caring about what their customer base thinks and wants a long long time ago.


Re: Big Changes To TV Plans

Not applicable

I just saw this.  As it has been a few months sine this initial query, has Shaw documented this change on website so that current customers are aware of impact of thee changes or does everyone have to go thru the angst of learning when they make a change?  

Shaw has some closed forums for feedback/input on service changes. It would be very helpful if they used these forums to preview these changes, or at least give us a heads-up.

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