I've talked to them a number of times since September and...


I've talked to them a number of times since September and they keep telling me it's a nation issue and has nothing to do with the equipment.

When they tell me it's fixed, it seems to work for a week or 2 and then it starts happening again.  This has been going on for 5 months now.  Before that it was never an issue.  I'm going to start demanding money back.


How much patience?  I have been experiencing this for mon...


How much patience?  I have been experiencing this for months and am waiting for my third service call on this issue.  At what point is the service so bad that Shaw has breached our contract?


It seems to happen on the US channels, mainly.


It seems to happen on the US channels, mainly.


I've heard all these "it's not our fault" comments before...


I've heard all these "it's not our fault" comments before.  Nonsense.  Just how many people in the lower mainland do you think have had lines chewed by squirrels?

I've had three techs out in the last two months.  Temporary fixes at best.  Its always the same, the call centre tech says they are detecting a low "signal problem".  When the onsite tech shows up, nope, the signal is fine.  If the same "fix" doesn't resolve the problem, why is it all that shaw offfers?  My bluecurve router/modem is now directly behind my TV, less than 2' from the tv box, with no splitters in use.  Exactly the same issues persist.

In truth, the only thing keeping me with Shaw is my @shaw.ca email address.  It's a hassle to change.  But, when I think about it, its way less of a hassle than this.

0 Kudos

I got new equipment lately and it still happens for me so...


I got new equipment lately and it still happens for me so we can rule that out lol.

I was told it's an issue with Cloud PVR and not on our side.

0 Kudos

I am experiencing the exact same issues with my Seth Myer...


I am experiencing the exact same issues with my Seth Myers recordings!  But just those recordings for some reason. 

0 Kudos

I have also had this issue repeatedly including a few min...


I have also had this issue repeatedly including a few minutes ago during a Grizzlies game. I am so sick and tired of bloody Shaw I cannot even put it into words in the English language. Come November when my two years is up I will absolutely be switching to Telus after 15 frustrating years. Not just threatening anymore. I haven't bothered to call Tech because I know how it's going to go and after reading several of your reviews I can see that I was right in doing so. It would be completely pointless. As far as losing your @shaw email I understand that there is a way Telus can keep it going for you. I haven't got this confirmed but this is what I understand. Your @shaw email can be ported over to Telus.🤞🤞 I have to wonder how much of this has to do with the potential of a Rogers take over??? It's like Shaw just completely does not give a crap anymore. Not that they ever really did. A car payment per month for complete garbage. This dump of a company is truly making me sick. And don't even get me going on the sickeningly poor quality of tech service in the last couple of years. You used to be able to call up and get a qualified person to help you out. Now it is a bunch of robots that asked you idiotic useless questions and by the book useless fixes that do absolutely nothing in the long run. They waste hours of your time and you get nothing. And if you get even remotely upset they hang up on you. If you ask them for compensation well.. Forget it. You used to be able to get something for your problems. I'm getting very angry just writing this so that's enough.....🤮🤮

0 Kudos

I see that upon further review if you completely cancel y...


I see that upon further review if you completely cancel your Shaw service you cannot keep your email. Unless you have a trusted person that can host you. This is the main reason why I have stuck with these buggers this long. I think it is time to cut the cord regardless. It's just an email address...

0 Kudos

OMG. I'm so glad I found this discussion thread. I'm a bi...


OMG. I'm so glad I found this discussion thread. I'm a bit relieved to learn I'm not the only one with this problem, as I've been so frustrated with Shaw over the last few months. The phone agents weren't helpful at all. All they could suggest was to unplug and plug everything in again, saying that would reset the equipment and hopefully solve all the problems. Well - we all know that doesn't work.

For the longest time, they refused to send out a technician to look at things because of COVID. I finally got technicians out in December -- 2 visits about 2 weeks apart. The first moved the modem from a bedroom into the living room, something I'd been told by phone agents not to do, as it would create interference if placed too close to the TV. It's sitting right next to the TV, and there's no interference whatsoever. That solved our wifi issues, but not the PVR issues. The 2nd technician swapped out one of the Blue Curve boxes, but that didn't help either. Both technicians said the signal strength was excellent - it couldn't be better. 

So after the technicians couldn't fix the problem, I tried chatting again with technical support online. This time, they asked me to write down the timestamps of any glitches while watching a recording. I sent that to them a few days later. Then they wanted me to do the same thing again, but while watching a recording through the Blue Curve app. I don't use the app. I only watch PVR recordings on my TV. So annoying. They were quite persistent -- called me every few days to follow up. They have the timings now -- given to them at the end of last week, but I haven't heard anything from them since.

Something I did try tonight was to switch all the recordings from US stations to Canadian stations. The Amazing Race and Good Sam were on tonight, and there are often problems with those recordings. Tonight's Amazing Race was fine, and I'm halfway through Good Sam right now with no issues. It looks like recording programs on Canadian channels might be a solution?

Most of the PVR recordings that had issues were recorded on American time shift channels. I'll move all my series recordings from the US channels to Canadian channels to see if that improves things for good.

0 Kudos

Me too.  Missing parts of recordings, no sound for parts,...


Me too.  Missing parts of recordings, no sound for parts, skips.


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