Maybe it's CNN bug,  but maybe not. It has been working o...


Maybe it's CNN bug,  but maybe not. It has been working ok for the last week or so but today I tried to pause CNN on the LR TV, wouldn't pause but didn't give the not supported message just kept playing. Went to MSNBC and it paused no problem.went back to CNN and it paused no problem. To his credit Paul theShaw tech did check in last week to ask if the problem had gone away and said he'd check again in a few weeks and that he was asking the other techs for their input. 

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There's definitely a pattern here. Pausing has generally...


There's definitely a pattern here. Pausing has generally been working as it should even on the LR TV on CNN but today I tried to pause CNN on the LR TV and it wouldn't pause. Changed to MSNBC  and paused no problem. Tried pausing CNN on the kitchen TV and it paused ok. Back to the LR TV tried pausing CNN several times and failed, tried several other channels worked every time. Eventually was able to pause CNN but a while later again was not and this time got the ."not supported" message. (didn't get the message before just wouldn't pause). Again tried other channels and they paused.

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The pattern continues, still intermittent on LR TV. Earli...


The pattern continues, still intermittent on LR TV. Earlier today pausing CNN  worked fine, around 7:30 PM tried to pause CNN and it would not pause, no unsupported message just wouldn't pause. Tried several other channels all paused no problem. Returned to CNN still wouldn't pause. Didn't bother trying other TVs. 

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Now, this morning around 9 AM  the LR TV pauses CNN no pr...


Now, this morning around 9 AM  the LR TV pauses CNN no problem. Another issue has started, not sure if it is related, several times in the last week it failed to record a program on MSNBC that is regularly scheduled to record, again intermittent, yesterday it did record, this morning it did not. I get the message "Something went wrong recording is not available right now"

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More weird stuff on the LR TV. Last night watching record...


More weird stuff on the LR TV. Last night watching recorded content on MSNBC tried to fast forward thru commercials and when I clicked the ff button twice rather than fast forward, it rewound about 3 minutes and then fast forwarded. When I got to the end of the commercial block and hit play it again jumped back about 3 minutes and started to play. It repeated this several times until I gave up and let it play the commercials. 

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I am getting the same kind of weirdness with the live TV...


I am getting the same kind of weirdness with the live TV buffer with our new Blue Curve system.  It jumps forward to live TV if we have paused and then try to fast forward over commercials.   I can rewind back to where I was so it isn't an issue of losing the buffer... but it sure is annoying.  I also get times when the jumping forward breaks the ability to pause or move forward or backwards.  Was there any resolution that anyone has come upon?

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I've lost track of the number of times the system has hic...


I've lost track of the number of times the system has hiccupped or the number of different types of hiccups over the last three or four years. We still get the occasional message that the unit doesn't support pausing live TV. One of the more recent new hiccups is switching channels by itself, I notice it usually switches to a channel that was on recently, never to a channel we never watch, I also get an error recording where it doesn't record about 2 or 3 out of 100 recordings. 

Overall we're satisfied, the hiccups are much less frequent than a couple years ago. Having Youtube, Netflix and Prime Video apps built in is a big plus.

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I had a technician come out to fix the problem, replaced...


I had a technician come out to fix the problem, replaced connections on my power panel, The problem still exists om Superchannel package, but now none of the channels work. Greg told me it might be the outlet behind the main tv, but they are not allowed to move the tv as per SHAW. So I have to hire someone to come and remove the TV just so I can watch Bellexpress. Not happy that having Shaw has cost me nothing but money to get it to work.

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