BlueCurve TV equipment



I am researching options for when my current contract expires in July 2020.  I have a few questions about BlueCurve TV.

  •  Can the XG1v4 PVR box be hooked up via ethernet (like the Xi6 box) or does it only use the coaxial connection. 


  • I currently have Internet 600 with the BlueCurve Gateway in bridge mode going to my own router.  I understand that the BlueCurve Gateway must be the router if you want BlueCurve TV.  Is it possible to use the BlueCurve Gateway as the router, turn off it’s Wi-Fi and use my current router as an Access Point.  I want to keep some of my current router’s features such as the Guest Network.

Thank you in advance,


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> I currently have .. the BlueCurve Gateway in bridge mod...

Legendary Grand Master

> I currently have .. the BlueCurve Gateway in bridge mode going to my own router. 

> I want to keep some of my current router’s features such as the Guest Network

A "Guest" WiFi network is supplied by the Gateway when the Gateway is NOT in "bridged" mode. But, to be clear, it is possible that your own router is supplying that "Guest Network".

> Is it possible to use the BlueCurve Gateway as the router, turn off its Wi-Fi and use my current router as an Access Point. 

Yes. Also, you could look at its "Passthrough" functionality when it is in "router" mode. That would enable the "guest" WiFi on the Shaw router, the BlueCurve TV WiFi, and provide a "public" IP-address to the WAN port on your own router.

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I have a full BlueCurve setup, including pods and Xi6 tv...


@mac8 wrote:


I am researching options for when my current contract expires in July 2020.  I have a few questions about BlueCurve TV.

  •  Can the XG1v4 PVR box be hooked up via ethernet (like the Xi6 box) or does it only use the coaxial connection. 


  • I currently have Internet 600 with the BlueCurve Gateway in bridge mode going to my own router.  I understand that the BlueCurve Gateway must be the router if you want BlueCurve TV.  Is it possible to use the BlueCurve Gateway as the router, turn off it’s Wi-Fi and use my current router as an Access Point.  I want to keep some of my current router’s features such as the Guest Network.

Thank you in advance,


I have a full BlueCurve setup, including pods and Xi6 tv players, all of which work very well.

1. Shaw suggests you only use BlueCuve Xi6 gear when running the wireless tv players and pods(mesh/expanders)

2. For the wireless tv players to work, your Blue Curve Gateway has to be in unbridged mode using the built in wifi router.

3. I found the Blue Curve Gateway WiFi router works as well as my Apple Airport WiFi router.

4. You can setup the BlueCurve gateway to have guest mode.

Note: If you don't require a wireless tv player option go with the coaxial connected players. Wifi can be fussy. I went with the wireless tv option to get tv in my kitchen. No drilling required. There is no mixing and matching, either BlueCurve coaxial or wireless, not both. The wireless tv players are pretty cool!


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BlueCurve Gateway Doesn't Support Guest Networks


@rickatk  wrote:   4. You can setup the BlueCurve gateway to have guest mode.


Apologies...this incorrect. At some point I tried the guest network setup and it worked. I must have been using other hardware. Appears the current BlueCurve hardware doesn't allow for a guest work.

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Thanks for the reply mdk.  I will look into using passthr...


Thanks for the reply mdk.  I will look into using passthrough functionality.

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Thanks for the reply and the later update about BlueCurve...


Thanks for the reply and the later update about BlueCurve Gateway not having a guest network.  Interesting that you can't mix the type of boxes that you use.  Is the PVR box you have wireless too?

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This is the cool part. The Xi6 Wireless TV Player is just...


@mac8 wrote:

Thanks for the reply and the later update about BlueCurve Gateway not having a guest network.  Interesting that you can't mix the type of boxes that you use.  Is the PVR box you have wireless too?

This is the cool part. The Xi6 Wireless TV Player is just a simple little streaming box. There is no separate PVR or local hard drive. The PVR is cloud based and is attached to your account. You can access your recordings from any of your Wireless TV Players, mobile device or computer. There is no local hard drive. Shaw Cloud PVR is a feature that makes the Blue Curve platform a serious contender as far as streaming goes.


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I completely misunderstood.  I thought BlueCurve acted li...


I completely misunderstood.  I thought BlueCurve acted like the Gateway and portals but this seems so much better.  Thanks for all your help

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