When will Cloud PVR and wireless BlueSky TV be available in the Parksville area?
I am waiting too! I am really interested in the wireless terminals. I am all set to go... BlueCurve Gateway, lots of speed etc. I presently get my live tv in the kitchen using Apple TV and apps, no Free Range of course. Looking forward to putting a BlueSky wireless module in the kitchen and the other rooms too!
@markboreham @rickatk I'm sorry, we don't have any specific launch dates to share at this time, but we appreciate the enthusiasm! Current eligible areas will be updated on this page as these enhancements become available in more areas!
The new wireless boxes look very promising:
Future potential for 4K HDR
Snappy design
I hope there is room for some more apps!
Coupled with Shaw’s Docsis 3.1 internet... all sounds very promising.