Hello, it's me :) Everyone has been so kind that I'm thin...


Hello, it's me 🙂 Everyone has been so kind that I'm thinking an update is well deserved. You will recall reading back that it's been a wild long ride for me with this issue. I have encouraging news!

Just to recap the previous discussions - After 3 months of endless hours of customer service calls, technician visits, change of equipment and back to my old equipment...You name it, everything that could possibly be done was done several times and nothing worked. I knew my TV's, PVRs, Connections, internet...etc. all worked perfectly but I could only watch TV channels during the day and nothing in the every evenings plus internet also dropped to about half, however I could watch On Demand and Apps no problem. So about a month ago I finally got tired of paying for services I only got 1/2 the time and gave up, downgraded my TV services to a minimum and increased my Internet speed to make  easier to get more Apps.

I have been doing that for a month with no change with same problem, but I think I have good news! I'm not sure if I mentioned it in this post but I did mention several times to customer service that all this started one night about 4:00am with a sudden outage that was not mentioned in posted outages in my area had actually happened but was confirmed after a "chat" with customer service that night - Well here is the rub....the exact same thing happened a few of days ago in the afternoon (No TV and no Internet" complete crash")  which apparently also did not happened as per the areas outages posted but another resident in this building was able to confirmed with customer service. And guess what? The issues is now fixed by itself!...for the last few day anyway - All working with not a pixel out of place or drop sound, possibly slightly less in volume at times but no drops (that's probably the channel or something) Will it last? I don't know yet, but it's something isn't it? I am back exactly the way I was back in January except I'm paying less for Shaw TV services lol

Analysis -The God's of the Internet at work lol? Thanks again everyone...fingers crossed

All the best


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Same problems as I am having. Losing patience. Been going...


Same problems as I am having. Losing patience. Been going on for at least two weeks. 

0 Kudos

-- exactly what issues are you experiencing?  When you co...

Legendary Grand Master

@Hezz1 -- exactly what issues are you experiencing?  When you contacted Shaw Support (1-888-472-2222) what trouble-shooting did they do? Which cable-modem do you have? (Cisco? Hitron? XB6? XB7?)  Are you having problems with TV? Which TV box do you have? (older? Gateway? BlueCurve?) Do you live in a MURB (Multi Unit Residential Building) or in a single-family house? Downtown location? In the suburbs? Rural home? Got any neighbours having the same issues? Did Shaw ship you a replacement box? Did that help?


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