Thank you @shaw-valerie . I have tried that method but both On Demand through my TV and the Blue Curve app only have the most recent episodes available to stream. It doesn’t allow me to watch episodes my PVR failed to record from earlier in the season. They should be available to me on the CTV Sci Fi except that CTV does not recognize that I already pay for those specialty channels when I log in with my Shaw account. This has been an ongoing issue since September that no one has been able to correct despite multiple phone calls to Shaw. I will likely be switching to a different internet and cable provider entirely as I am beyond frustrated with Shaw.
@Throwaway123 -- CTV does not recognize that I already pay for those specialty channels when I log in with my Shaw account.
CTV "collects" your Shaw E-mail ID and your password, and passes them to Shaw's servers, for verification.
If Shaw's servers are incorrectly saying "no", that is Shaw's problem, not CTV's problem.
Shaw needs to "refresh" their own server, with your list of subscribed channels, so that a "yes" will be sent to CTV.
@Mfoster Yes, CTV drama series are available with Video On Demand.
How do i access it. I bought the subscription online and it hasn’t popped up in 24 hrs.
In order to access Shaw Video On Demand content:
1. Press the Shaw button on your remote.
2. Use the right arrow or left arrow button to select On Demand.
3. Press OK
If you need further assistance to access the CTV drama series available on Video On Demand, please contact one of our tech support specialists at this link.