This is happening with our Blue Curve service too. I turn...


This is happening with our Blue Curve service too. I turned to the same channel on both TVs and it did the same thing at the same time on both sets. I see lots of people are having the same problem. It can’t be that we all have a loose cable connection! Shaw needs to address this. 


same issue in Winnipeg Jan 4.  "check your connections" n...


same issue in Winnipeg Jan 4.  "check your connections" not good enough Shaw.....and the service now through phone is terrible.  give me your mobile number....really? I pay for phone and you don't offer mobile in Mb.  need to step up to the plate Shaw.   Your service WAS tremendous and recommended you always.  Not so much now


0 Kudos

Same issue now in Calgary. Started a couple of hours ago,...


Same issue now in Calgary. Started a couple of hours ago, now pixelating, going dark, stopping on all channels and happening on wired and wireless connected TVs. The cable connections did not suddenly get loose. Internet speed is fine. Shaw issue. 

0 Kudos

Having the same issue right now in NW Calgary, too. Spora...


Having the same issue right now in NW Calgary, too. Sporadic audio and video dropouts, really bad on Global TV Calgary and CNN (mostly been trying to watch those channels tonight), and I just saw it on MSNBC too.

I rebooted the Bluecurve router and the 4k wireless box, but no improvement in the TV performance (or lack thereof). The problem does not seem to be at my end.

No note of any issues on the Shaw outage page, either. 🤔

'sup Shaw?! C'mon guys. Even if you can't resolve the problem immediately at least admit there is a problem on your outages page!

0 Kudos

Watching ( or should I say trying to watch ) the Celtics...


Watching ( or should I say trying to watch ) the Celtics squash the Raptors tonight was an absolute joke. I tried watching it on all 4 Sportsnet channels and it was the same thing each time - picture is fine for about 4 or 5 minutes then jumpy picture, screen then goes black, then getting the " cannot communicate with the Gateway " message, then lather, rinse, repeat for the entire 3+ hour game. Get you sh*t together SHAW - raising your rates and lowering your product quality is not exactly a good way to keep all of your loyal customers happy.

0 Kudos

-- see: Jan 4 – National | Pixelization on TSN Channels (...

Legendary Grand Master

@bostonbob -- see: Jan 4 – National | Pixelization on TSN Channels (Resolved)

So, if you were watching TSN, now you know what happened.

Good that it is "resolved" before today's Gold Medal game in the 2021 World Junior Hockey tournament.  :-)


0 Kudos

Here is the reality of Blue Sky, it is compressed, it is...


Here is the reality of Blue Sky, it is compressed, it is sluggish, it is pixelated. I do system design for an AV company. I and many other clients experience the same visual issues with these Shaw boxes. I have over the air antenna systems in my house on 3 TV's and I have two Shaw Blue Sky boxes, one wired with CAT back to the Shaw modem and one on wireless. It makes No difference, they both lack visual perfection. The TV channels I get on the over the air system with antennas are NOT compressed, the image is superior and if a goal appears in a game, it's almost a minute ahead of Shaw's transmission. How embarrassing and insulting this service that Shaw charges too much for is a reality. And we are suckers for subscribing to this. I cut cable for 5 years and came to Shaw for this past two years to give them a chance. If they don't fix this MAJOR issue in 2021, I will ditch them and inform every customer I deal with to beware of this compressed image. I don't want to see a robot reply from shaw on suggestions to what or how I have things connected.. I have been in the tech industry for many moons, my house is wired properly, it's a Shaw hardware issue. Fix IT!

0 Kudos

Of course there is compression, it is cable tv. As for pi...

Grand Master

Of course there is compression, it is cable tv. As for pixilation, that shouldn’t be happening, but something tells me you aren’t interested in troubleshooting or a service call. There is also latency with cable and iptv, I don’t think it’s a minute, but there is some. 



Mine does this constantly but only on local channels.  So...


Mine does this constantly but only on local channels.  So annoying.

0 Kudos

I am in Maple Ridge BC.We have been experiencing these ve...


I am in Maple Ridge BC.We have been experiencing these very same things on our TV (pixelation, muting, freezing, speaking and voices not in synch) for every channel EXCEPT the single one we pay extra for -- HGTV, for well over a month now; and we have been losing our internet multiple times daily. I have been hesitant to call Shaw, simply because it usually takes so long to get through the queue and I was not certain of the problem in order to report it (as it would often go away for a time so I learned to wait it out); but then we were losing our internet (or Wifi) during our work/university online calls. Phone support has been inconsistent (mostly unhelpful, as we are being told that our connections appear fine!!). I have made several reports to Shaw this week with regards to the aforementioned issues; on one occurrence the phone support person said everything "appeared" fine with our connections, even though I said to her that we have been losing our network several times that day but it was CURRENTLY connected. She then said they could send out a technician, and we would possibly be BILLED for the service!! I told her in no uncertain terms that I was not going to pay for a technician to come out and check their own faulty equipment. The tech who came out was very helpful, informative, and found a commonly known issue with the firmware in the modem. He clearly stated that he 'believed' our problem should be resolved, but he also stated that he could not guarantee the problem would not return, and that the modem may need to be replaced if problem persists. I appreciate that kind of honesty! That is what I want to get from PHONE SUPPORT!! But instead I get this guarded script. Our latest problem was yesterday (Tues March 16) at approximately 12:25pm, we we again lost our internet connection during a Zoom call. Connection returned and dropped again several times in the next 15 minutes. Speaking to Shaw (again) and after telling me that my equipment seemed to be fine, they declared that there appeared to be a 'partial outage' in our area affecting several customers. I did not hear anything from them for several hours, and our problems persisted. I still do not see anything on the Shaw website declaring any outage in our area, but another call to Shaw Tuesday night tells me that the phone support tech that told me about the partial outage earlier that day will call me back within 24 hours with an update... IF he is back on shift today! 

  Like all of you, we are paying quite a bit for equipment and service that Shaw is espousing as quality and dependability; I would like them to back that up with the service. I do not fault Shaw (nor other companies) about line issues in the community or weather-related interference, but please back up your claims and your equipment with fast and honest service! We are not getting the consistent service that we are paying for. With the upcoming potential merger of Telus and Rogers, I am concerned for the options we might have for service providers.
