-- We have been experiencing ... on our TV (pixelation, m...

Legendary Grand Master

@RobAndRhonda -- We have been experiencing ... on our TV (pixelation, muting, freezing, speaking and voices not in synch) I have been hesitant to call Shaw, simply because it usually takes so long to get through the queue and I was not certain of the problem in order to report it

I recommend that you contact Shaw (www.shaw.ca/chat) while you are experiencing those symptoms.

In my experience, I get connected to a Shaw Agent within 5 minutes -- no long "queue" times.

Then, I ask the Agent to remotely logon to my TV box, to view the "signal-strength" (and other values) reaching their device.

Earlier this week, when I telephoned the "local" Shaw number, the Agent who answered, immediately, indicated that he was in Northern Ontario. When I asked why it was him, and not somebody in the retail store in my city, he just said that the telephone-queues in my area were long, and my telephone-call was immediately(!) forwarded to him.  It was an issue that I had talked to, face-to-face, with the Shaw shift-supervisor in my city, and I wanted to follow-up. The Agent took the details, and sent an E-mail to my local Shaw office. That shift-supervisor called me back. To me, that is "how it should be done" by a nation-wide Call Centre system. Thumbs-up to the Agent in N.O., and to the local shift-supervisor.

> She then said they could send out a technician, and we would possibly be BILLED for the service!!

> I told her in no uncertain terms that I was not going to pay for a technician to come out and check their own faulty equipment. 

That is a tough choice -- ongoing "poor performance" versus paying a possible fee.  In my experience, I have NEVER been invoiced for a Shaw technician to do a site-visit to my home. If there is a fee, it always has been waived. I always say that Shaw will do anything to retain me as a monthly-paying customer.

> please back up your claims and your equipment with fast and honest service!

I helped a friend move at the start of March. The previous tenant was an active TELUS TV/Internet customer, but there were NO overhead wires between the telephone-pole and her new rental. We phoned Shaw on a Tuesday, and my friend demanded (for reasons too long to note here) an 8 AM to 10 AM window, and the Shaw technician arrived on Saturday, as scheduled. Given my friend's restrictive requirement, that was "fast" service. My friend declined a 10 AM to noon service-call on the Thursday after we called. That would have been "faster" service.




0 Kudos

Did the technician check the lines in and outside the hou...

Grand Master

@robanddaryl Did the technician check the lines in and outside the house, or did he just play with the modem? Those symptoms you describe sound like a signal related issue.

You will not be called back. Call or chat in again and insist on another technician. If you have Twitter, DM Shaw, those folks are very helpful. 

0 Kudos

Same here. We had someone from Shaw come in yesterday and...


Same here. We had someone from Shaw come in yesterday and he says it was the splitter which he fixed but same problem persists tonight.

0 Kudos

-- We had someone from Shaw come in yesterday  I recommen...

Legendary Grand Master

@Ash_walton -- We had someone from Shaw come in yesterday 

I recommend that you contact Shaw, and get trouble-shooting from a Shaw Agent, and maybe get the Agent to book another site-visit.


0 Kudos

Seems like there's pages and pages of people from all ove...


Seems like there's pages and pages of people from all over shaw territory experiencing the exact problem, we certainly do NOT all have a wiggly cable connection etc etc etc. I have just installed my bluecurve today --which was basically forced on me when i renewed my tv/internet-- and all the connections are sound and all the cables are the brand new ones supplied by you. Half the channels are glitchy.

This is clearly a problem with the system. Is it going to be fixed? What is the point of paying for this?

0 Kudos

-- This is clearly a problem with the system. I agree. >...

Legendary Grand Master

@charley__ -- This is clearly a problem with the system.

I agree.

> Is it going to be fixed?

Only if you keep working with Shaw technicians.  This is a peer-to-peer discussion forum, not a path to Shaw Support.

The problem could be anywhere, including:

  • the connection from your PVR to a coaxial-splitter
  • the connection from the coaxial-splitter to the wall-jack
  • the coaxial-cable inside your walls, that connect to Shaw's "demarcation box" either on an outside wall, or maybe inside your garage
  • the coaxial-cable from Shaw's box to the nearest telephone-pole
  • Shaw's infrastructure up-and-down your street

Do you live in a single-family house, or in a MURB (Multi Unit Residential Building) with lots of coaxial-cables on each floor, and vertical runs of coaxial-cable connecting to a wiring-closet in the building's basement?

> What is the point of paying for this?

So that Shaw, not Telus, is getting your money ??? 

To watch the news about a party-room full of unmasked twenty-something Canadians spreading the virus ???

To watch "spring-breakers" doing the same in Florida ???

To watch the Knowledge Network? PBS?

To watch Connor McDavid? Alexander Ovechkin? Bianca Andrescu? The Summer Olympics this coming August? To watch a bunch of Norwegians win gold medals in every winter sport known to man, this coming February? To watch the "Sorry (not sorry)" video-reply to Will Ferrell's GM ads, posted by the University in Agder (Norway).

0 Kudos

lol 'peer' srsly? u obviously work for them and if u don'...


lol 'peer' srsly? u obviously work for them and if u don't u are weirdly invested in defending the ~brand.

it should not be up to the customer to have to spend weeks or months getting a service to work which is clearly causing many many people problems. i should be able to plug this in and have it work, especially if they offer no alternative. period. people are paying for a service and it should operate as advertised. that's all. that's the bottom line.


-- u obviously work for [Shaw] I have never been employed...

Legendary Grand Master

@charley__ -- u obviously work for [Shaw]

I have never been employed by Shaw.

I have never worked for Shaw.


Yes, this discussion forum is mainly for subscribers to Shaw services. Call them "peers" or call them "subscribers" or call them "interested parties" or call them "members" or call them "users".

The moderators of this discussion forum are Shaw employees, and their "nickname", e.g., @shaw-tony & @shaw-valerie  identifies them as a "mod" and as Shaw employees.

You don't have to be born into nobility, or inherit a peerageto be a Baroness or a Baron. You can be named one by the Prime Minister, as long as the Queen approves. Nominees for a peerage are put forward by the different political parties when the Prime Minister resigns, and also at the start of a new Parliament.


0 Kudos

Here in Maple Ridge, Shaw TV cable issues. We have called...


Here in Maple Ridge, Shaw TV cable issues. We have called Shaw support 11 times since mid-January, 6 times here in April alone!! TV Pixelation is really bad. Many calls to Shaw Support, which only provided very-short-term resolution by remotely resetting our box. Shaw has sent us replacement splitters and coax cable; we have had three Techs come inside the house on separate visits, and two techs outside to replace the old cable from pole to house. Our modem has be replaced, our box had a firmware upgrade and changed from Level-2 to Level-3 something-or-other. Last night the phone support rebooted our cable box, which cleared the screen, but the pixelation is back today! I have literally spent more than 14 hours waiting in the queue or on hold or on line with the helpdesk support; several times unplugging coax cables and unplugging the cable box; and this past week, TWICE I was supposed to have a Tech come to the house and both appointments were rescheduled because there were no available Techs!! 

0 Kudos

-- clearly, "everything" from your TV to the nearest tele...

Legendary Grand Master

@RobAndRhonda -- clearly, "everything" from your TV to the nearest telephone-pole is not the source of your symptoms.

During the time of "pixelation", contact Shaw Support, and have the Shaw Agent remotely logon to your BlueCurve, to view and interpret the "signal-strength" reaching it. Or, as @rstra has suggested, in a different thread, you can logon to your BlueCurve, and view the values.

Ask your neighbours on your street if they have the Shaw BlueCurve, and have the same symptoms. That information might be helpful to give to the Shaw Agent.


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