We can support Android but not Linux? I mean all we're re...


We can support Android but not Linux? I mean all we're really asking for is, that it just work. It's not like we're asking someone at shaw "hold our hands" and provide a step by step instruction on how to make it work! It should just work! Nothing on the internet should be OS dependant! We have a right to choose and we should not be discluded just for making that choice!

And just mentioning a now dusty outdated post from 5 years ago seems somewhat insulting and shows that Shaw really doesnt care!

AND JUST A WARNING to all else that decides to take Shaw's advice and install the mention above from the forum, you do so at your OWN RISK. As the mention software is outdated and will likely break your system leaving you with a mess to clean up or re-install!


I believe that the web based version of BlueCurve TV now...

Grand Master

I believe that the web based version of BlueCurve TV now uses HTML5, I can’t see why Shaw wouldn’t support a Linux browser. As long as the browser works with HTML5, there shouldn’t be an issue. 


It’s 2 years later and Shaw still hasn’t addressed this p...


It’s 2 years later and Shaw still hasn’t addressed this problem. Please do better to meet the needs of your customers. Or at least provide us with a usable workaround. As has been stated, Linux IS Android and should not be out of your capabilities to address. 

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I also was unable to view Blue Curve TV. The reply I got...


I also was unable to view Blue Curve TV. The reply I got was the possibility of me using the wrong Browser.

Well I have the latest versions of FireFox and Chrome.

I use Linux fully patched. 

Weird. You can watch BlueCurve on Android. Someone should tell Shaw that Android is run on Linux.

Time to shop for another provider

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