@Andyro -- can you provide some more details, such as which TV terminal you have (Motorola? Pace? Gateway? BlueCurve?).
Contact Shaw (online-chat or telephone) and get them to remotely logon to their device, to check the incoming "signal strength", and to do other trouble-shooting. After all, you are paying over $1000/year for Shaw TV -- make them earn it!
If it is a PVR, there is an ordinary desktop-computer style of disk-drive inside of it. If that disk-drive is failing, then you have difficulty recording (to enable the "skip-backwards-15-seconds" button on the remote-control), and that tends to "freeze" the device until the Input/Output operations to/from the disk-drive have completed. Most disk-drives are factory-warrantied for only 1 or 2 years. So, how old is the device?