Pop up error message saying Join this Network on logging in/ what is it and how to remove?


Firstly as a new member of this message board, it was not obvious how to post a message.

The issue I am having which I do not see addressed on the board anywhere and so I guess deserves a separate and new question, is that using a MacBook Air 10.10.5 (mid 2013) after log-in (without Safari browser open or any apps open) pops up an 'error message' saying that 'this page cannot be found'/at the top of this window it says 'Join Network .....' (and includes my SSID number) and the bottom is an extremely long apple.com link (which is different each time the window pops up). Thank goodness the window can be closed, so at this point after trying many things:

Safari>Develop>empty cache>restart; etc, etc.  I am wondering if the issue might stem from Internet Provider (i.e. Shaw)..........and it there have been others asking and seeing this happening on their computers too.

Are others experiencing this issue?  What is it about? Is it connected to something to do with Shaw as the internet provider?  --- as Mr. Dressup (children's CBC program) used to say: "WHAT TO DO, GURU?"

Thank you for your time and consideration.

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Re: Pop up error message saying Join this Network on logging in/ what is it and how to remove?


My understanding of the advice I received from a phone tech Shaw support on this issue is that Apple

suggests for this issue (which she was helpful in providing others too had reported) is: to upgrade

from 10.10.5 OS to the latest one.  Also suggested is to go to Safari > Preferences > Privacy > ( and

to choose) "Always Block"  -- at least temporarily to see if that worked in prevent this popup from happening.

It is a simple easy solution that I am trying now, with 14 logins and no pop ups.  The only drawback to

this move is that some websites (banking, etc) might not be totally accessible, but one can for those

instants so to Safari>Preferences>Privacy (and choose "Allow from current website only") while visiting

that particular safe site.  

It might be a bother to have to open and close a site you visits access to information on you, but it

also feels good to voluntarily be able to choose whether and when one will do this, from the computer

user's side.  Gmail for example will not function when they are not allowed access to the user's information

at all times, which is very interesting to discover in using this 'Always Block' choice, n'est-ce pas.

In other places on this forum suggestions have been made to use an antivirus program for a Mac, and

this is by many many experienced and respectable Mac Discussion message boards stated as not

necessary nor advisable on the Mac OS.

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