recording playback starts 30 seconds in


For a long time now every time i playback a recording it starts thirty seconds in. The recording starts on time but i then have to rewind thirty seconds to get to the beginning of the recording. This is very annoying and should not happen. Just so the shaw moderator knows, it cannot be the pvr itself because this happened on my previous pvr as well.This is just one problem in a long line of problems. Is anyone else having this problem? Shaw must know about this and still it persists.

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Re: recording playback starts 30 seconds in


Hey mikejbc

I checked with some of our higher support guys and do see this has been escalated and being investigated. It doesn't look like any update at the moment. What I would recommend is contacting us over Social Media, either Facebook or Twitter @Shawhelp where we can easily keep a record of any updates, and it's easier than calling in and starting from the beginning each time!

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