Recording that DON'T record

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I'm a huge sports fan and PVR many many many events. On Wednesday night I recorded the British Open golf. The play began at 10:30pm ( Vancouver time ) and it went until 6:30am ( Thursday morning ). I did this the usual way... Go into the guide, find the channel, find the event to PVR and then hit the Record button and I get a nice little red dot indicating the recording is set. Easy Peasy. Done it 100's of times in the past. I got up yesterday morning and the entire 8 hours was taped and I happily watched the golf. 

Last night, I did the same exact thing... same times, same channel ( Golf Channel ) and the same procedure followed for setting up the recording... Again, done it hundreds of times... for events shorter in duration and some longer in duration. 

When I woke up this morning to watch... I turned on the TV, went to Recordings and there it was... I hit the enter button and started viewing... only I noticed that the recording line on the bottom of the screen showed I only had ONE hour worth of tape!!!!!!!!!!! I fast forwarded for about 5 minutes to confirm this had happened... and it was confirmed. Instead of getting 8 hours of British Open golf, I got ONE hours worth.        

This is NOT the first or even the second time this has happened to me and it makes me wish I'd NEVER EVER EVER signed a contract with Shaw for Blue Sky. IMO, it's bloody horrible ( and not just because of the recording screw ups ). 

What is SHAW going to do about this ??? 

What about future recordings??? 

Am I just supposed to HOPE it works ???

What are my options??? Is Shaw going to do something about this or is it going to be excuses, excuses, excuses???  

NOT a happy customer... Again!!!!

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5 Replies

Re: Recording that DON'T record


Hey clayjames, sorry for any frustrations caused. It may have been a guide error that caused that or something else. When it previously happened, which channel was it on, do you notice it on any other channels?

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This keeps happening to me also on long recordings. This...


This keeps happening to me also on long recordings. This is mainly for longer sports events. Same thing is happening for me on Open golf tonight. It’s in 3am-12m but when I try to record it shows 3am-4am only. I can’t get the whole thing set to record. Why has this continued to happen for 2 years now with no fix? Shaw is the worst. 

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I have just been on the phone with a TV service agent.  H...


I have just been on the phone with a TV service agent.  He was very helpful in guiding me to record a sports program, 12 continuous hours of Tennis Tournament, as one episode due to SHAW's 1 hr cutoff.   On my previous system, to record anything was a 1 step process.  With Ignite system, now 8 steps.  This is not efficient nor is this an 'upgrade.   With old system, I could STOP a recording a program then CONTINUE recording the same program.  Result, 2 parts - able to watch the first part while second part was recording.  The Ignite remote has changed location of a few buttons .. easy to now make mistakes.  Don't get me started on how the channel Guide is setup.   



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8 steps to set a recording, something doesn’t seem right?

Grand Master

@Shirley1941  8 steps to set a recording, something doesn’t seem right? 

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wrote: With Ignite system, now 8 steps.  Really?  For me,...

Legendary Grand Master

@Shirley1941 wrote: With Ignite system, now 8 steps. 

Really?  For me, on a much-older PVR:

  1. open the "Guide"
  2. select the channel
  3. scroll to the start-time of the program
  4. press "record".

More than 4 key-presses, but not 8 "steps".


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