Time discrepancy


My sportsnet 4k channels are about 20 seconds behind the sportsnet hd channel, on the same pvr!  I have seen alot of answers here blaming the provider of the content, service path latency yada yada yada. This cannot be the case here as the lag is blatantly bad on tbe same box, I can literally watch a goal scored on the hd channel live, change to the same channsl in 4k and voila! I can see the same goal again "live" 

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2 Replies

-- your TV is at fault. It "buffers" the incoming content...

Legendary Grand Master

@Dirtymech12 -- your TV is at fault. It "buffers" the incoming content, and compares each new image to the previous image, and updates only that part of the screen that has changed.  That is why you see "pixelation" when the incoming feed is interrupted.

Also, some TVs "smooth" the differences, to provide a smoother image, say of a moving hockey-puck, to enhance the viewer's experience.

When I volunteered outside of Canada Hockey Place at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, I could hear the horn sound, inside CHP, when each goal was scored. That gave me 10 seconds to walk to the nearest TV to "live-watch" the goal on broadcast TV (not the "internal-network" host-broadcaster channels).

Take your AM/FM radio, and tune in to the Canucks broadcast, to hear them announce a goal, before you see it on your TV.

What is the "lag" on the standard-definition channel? the high-definition channel? the 4K channel?


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what a crock of **bleep**. cancelling services


what a crock of **bleep**. cancelling services

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