Where is the Customer Service?

Not applicable

I had been approached by Shaw indicating that I should look at the new Large TV package to replace my older services. After reviewing the package, it did provide some channels that I would like to view (although still many not in HD) and the cost was pretty much the same as what I was paying. So called in to make the change. Within 30 minutes of calling Shaw, my internet service went out. Called the customer service line and in 30 minutes the internet was back up. While I was on the call with the Shaw Tech, I noticed that my TV service was out, another 45 minutes with the technician and it was identified as a script error that would need to go to Shaw IT for repair. After 24 hours of no TV called in to Shaw via chat and got a great Customer Service Rep (actually all of the reps have been very professional) that took note of the problem and promised to escalate and get back to me. The next day the same rep called me to say that the problem was with the new Shaw Billing system and that it was in the queue for immediate resolution. Since I hung up from that call, I have never had any direct contact via phone, Any communication with Shaw has been only through Chat services and even though I ask for and am promised return calls, this has never happened.

I have been with Shaw for over 25 years and have been pretty happy as the internet service has been reliable and very few outages. However this latest experience has really soured me on the company.

I have now been without TV service for over a week, with no response or explanation. I have tried to use the Shaw customer advocacy website, which indicates that they will respond in 24 hours, I am now at hour 41, with no response.

Has anyone else experienced this? How do you contact someone at Shaw live that can help in resolution? 

Is anyone else experiencing this issue with Shaw? Any luck with resolution?

12 Replies

Re: Where is the Customer Service?


Hey donvideoguy,

Thank you for reaching out! I am very sorry to hear of the frustrations you've experienced. We definitely want to ensure your upgrade is working as expected. We want to make sure you are helped as quickly as possible. You can certainly touch base with us on Facebook or Twitter as an alternative to our phone and chat services. Since you have used our advocacy site, a team member should be reaching out to you. I appreciate your patience while we get this sorted out.


Tony | Community Mod.

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Re: Where is the Customer Service?


Go down to Shaw and talk to them face to face.

0 Kudos

On Saturday, Nov. 28, I had a problem when my internet co...


On Saturday, Nov. 28, I had a problem when my internet connection was lost. I spent considerable time, at least 45 minute, on line trying to connect with someone from Shaw. Finally gave up.

On Sunday, I actually had a connection, but that evening it was lot again for a few hours before coming back.

On Wednesday, Dec. 2, at 7:04 p.m, I lost internet connection in the middle of an important zoom meeting. I called Shaw support and was told I’d get a call back in 25 to 25 minutes. After 90 minutes I received a call back stating I was next in line. I then waited for 30 minutes at which point I was disconnected.

(All that time I had to listen to the constant, interminable messages about the joys of finding help on myshaw and chatting as a fast way to get help. Great idea when you can’t get on the internet in the first place!)


On Thursday, Dec. 3, I had some spotty internet access.


On Friday, Dec. 4, I again lost internet access and tried calling Shaw support. That was at 8:39 p.m. I didn’t get one of those “we’ll call you back” messages, but was subjected to Shaw advertising until 10:12 p.m. at which time I received a message about techs being no longer available and the need to call back the next day.


On Saturday, Dec. 5, I made one last desperate attempt at 3:15 p.m. Got the “we’ll call you back in 25 to 45 minutes” message. Waited an hour and received that call at 4:19: “you’re next in line.” Hurrah? No, next in line means wait another 20 minutes before a technician comes on the line. Just when I am fully resolved that I am done with Shaw and about to reverse my vow to never go back to Telus, Jim from Nanaimo come on line. Talk about a professional! He did all the checks and finally arranged for a visit from a technician. Jim made up for all the frustration of the last week.


So, my tech problem is resolved. I’m not, however, reconciled to Shaw’s absolute shoddy phone response and I would like to know how to avoid all that frustration the next time.

0 Kudos

Getting a support person on the phone and from Nanaimo is...

Grand Master

Getting a support person on the phone and from Nanaimo is like winning the lottery. 

0 Kudos

-- Getting a support person on the phone and from Nanaimo...

Legendary Grand Master

@rstra -- Getting a support person on the phone and from Nanaimo is like winning the lottery. 

Fake news!

I know that Shaw has a large Call Centre in Nanaimo.

Personally, I have had good results when telephoning Shaw after 10 PM (Nanaimo time), to connect to a Shaw Call Centre in Ontario or the Maritimes -- when most of Shaw customers are "done" for their evening.

Keep trying.




It was a joke. But the support people in Nanaimo have exp...

Grand Master

@mdk It was a joke. But the support people in Nanaimo have experience using the Shaw equipment as they have it in their homes, unlike in the Maritimes, so maybe there is some truth to it.

***There has to be a way to block you***

0 Kudos

I just spent another frustrating 36 hours trying to reach...


I just spent another frustrating 36 hours trying to reach a human being at Shaw. They keep sending emails about upgrading my internet. Fat chance. Yesterday I talked to people in Vancover, Calgary and Orillia, Ontario— and guess what, I’m still waiting for a callback. Customer service said I needed Tech, Tech said not them, Customer service. Customer service said one of the others left my account open and she’s call be right back. Yup. Sure. 36 hours later and I am wanting to see if Telus can do better. Except they use internet out of Nova Scotia? East link something or other. Rogers can’t take over Shaw fast enough from my point of view. They still use humans in ON, my son tells me!

0 Kudos

-- Shaw claims to offer "24/7" support. They do this by h...

Legendary Grand Master

@Billelda -- Shaw claims to offer "24/7" support. They do this by having Call Centres in various locations. I have talked to Shaw Agents in Nanaimo, Saskatchewan, Northern Ontario, and Moncton. Once, when I called the "local" number for southern Vancovuer Island, my telephone-call was immediately answered by a Shaw Agent in Saskatchewan. When I asked why, he said that the queue of callers for my local Call Centre was large, and that their system auto-forwarded my call to that Agent. Seamless!

So, why were you calling Shaw? Did you want to add some service, or change some service, or just "vent" ?

What time-of-day have you been calling?


0 Kudos

I was trying to upgrade my internet as my current modem i...


I was trying to upgrade my internet as my current modem is overtly outdated. Even that didn’t interest staff. No commissions I guess. I’ve been a Shaw customer since 1995 and this is bottom of the barrel time for service. It literally us impossible to access — and I understand even their latest equipment has been replaced in central Canada. It is SO frustrating.

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