I am due for my two year renewal. I am very happy with my modem, speed and price. Shaw wants me to upgrade to the new modem and change my plan. Below is what I have now and what they have offered:
Internet 300 $113.50 less discounts of $39.00 per month.
Advanced WiFi Modem Rental
Offered to me:
I have Fibre+300 with latest modem for just $75 plus tax
and even I can offer you Fibre+500 for only $79 plus tax
To keep my existing is around $100/month plus tax.
Why are they pushing this new modem and services. I am completely satisfied with what I have now but don't want a huge increase.
@RD999 -- you wrote:
> offered to me: Internet 300 $113.50 less discounts of $39.00 per month, i.e., $74.50 per month.
> I have Fibre+300 with latest modem for just $75 plus tax
> I can offer you Fibre+500 for only $79 plus tax
Does your current modem max-out at 300 Mbps for download, and 15 Mbps for upload ?
In most areas, Shaw's latest cable-modem supports 300/100, 500/100, 1000/100, and 1500/100 for download/upload.
So, after you have had a 24-month "price-freeze", the new offer is for another 24-month "price-freeze", at a slightly higher fee, and an upgrade to the latest cable-modem that will greatly increase your upload speed.
Compared to how everything has increased in price (food, gasoline, houses, etc.) in the last two years, I think that you're being offered is definitely not a "huge" increase.
Not concerned about price but wanted to make sure there is no concern changing to a newer modem. Yes, my modem is a Hitron and I believe maxes out at 15 up. So would you have any concerns with the modem quality or the service quality changing to a new package? My service now has been rock solid for 8 years and I would like to be sure.
@RD999 -- note that the HITRON has four LAN ports, while the BlueCurve modem only has two LAN ports. Do you have more than two "wired" computers on your home network?
P.S. see: http://shaw.ca/brightdeal for the latest promotion from Shaw ($99/month for 1 Gbps service, and $50 credit, and optionally add Total TV for $50/month). Note that Shaw has announced a price-increase, effective in November 2022, for customers on a month-to-month plan. Customers having a current two-year Value Plan will see the increase only after that plan expires.
I found the specs below. If I am only paying for 500mbps would it matter what device goes into the faster port?