The csr rep that was worse than a Halloween nightmare dur...


The csr rep that was worse than a Halloween nightmare during the call a majority of the call was on hold rest was she was trying to do what I never even asked her to do. Should have been 5 minutes tops I was looking for a tracking number. It turned out 40 minute call. I ended up with an additional sensor on my account I told her 3x no I only want one I would like the tracking number for it. Oh we don't have that info Purolator is only one that has that . I escalated it got an exec and she promised me don't worry I have removed the second sensor it was the worst calls I have 3vwr heard. It was still on my account, the second sensor, so escalated it again. Another exec said I don't know why you are seeing 2 I only see one so if you keep seeing it there it's a lie you aren't being charged for 2. I don't know why the 2 are there but it's a lie it's not really there. It stayed there I know Roger's from past attempts to get money out of Mr they don't deserve so I escalated it again but said I would go higher up to the ccts or whatever or the bbb I am tired of this. The exec called same day she saw 2 she said was too others but accused me of not shipping it back. I was like don't you dare say that. I tried to give you the tracking number earlier but was 200th in line and was 2 hours on hold and I don't have the time fir that I told it has been shipped back it's kn Winnipeg and is stuck there was supposed to go out for delivery the same day they went on strike. Oh then she asked the serial number on the one I had I gave it to her and she took the other one on kept the one with my serial number on my account put in a work order pushed it through and said was gone and I got the email confirming. I said yo her both execs knew it was there didn't bother to do what you dis actually remove it but left it there lied to me so they would still get charged for the lease on it plus the total, they knew it they didn't do a thing except lie to me that isn't right. That is illegal they knew was there but lied to me so would still have to pay for it. As far as I know they are illegally trying to make people pat for something that shouldn't be there they had the call records to listen to to prove it. So I am not sure if I go to ccts yo prove and make a complaint and report the illegal practice that Roger's is doing. I am not sure who or where to go. It has to be reported as they had tried to slip in a charge for 79$ said it was for a plan increase but was no increase on the contract I had with them just for TV. This practice is continuing they aren't stopping they are finding knew ways. When you have a contract for a certain price for the length of the contact but are still increasing things not as much customers look at and keep getting mire money. If anyone knows who I would notify of this please let me know so I can so this stops. They are running their business illegally 
