Even from what I read if you don’t have auto withdrawals,...


Even from what I read if you don’t have auto withdrawals, they still want the payment earlier than previously.  For example, if you got the may 2024 bill covering your account from may 1-30, and then it was withdrawn on or around may 30 or June 1.  Now, for Aug, the billing period was Aug 1-31, and automatically withdrawn Aug 14.  If you choose to pay your account at the bank, they expect it to be paid on Aug 22.  
so they are penalizing customers for having automatic payment, and the ones who pay their bill at the bank,pay a week later.  Regardless everyone is paying at least 8-14 days earlier 

also last month our complete shaw services was out for almost 48 hours!  Did we get credit for that?  Noooo



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Moving every one 2+ weeks early.  Huge win for Shaw, huge...


Moving every one 2+ weeks early.  Huge win for Shaw, huge loss for customers.  We are already prepaying for our service, now we are prepaying plus 19 days on our August invoice.

I hope there is a class action against Shaw. I would sign up in a heartbeat.  Shaw does not give a crap about it's customers.  Unilaterally change the payment terms.  I'm sure your lawyers mapped that in your fine print contracts We are just "cashflow" to your greed. 

Your MBAs think we are all to stupid to notice.  I HATE SHAW


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look at your bill and confirm if you are pre or post payi...


@markbulger look at your bill and confirm if you are pre or post paying. Other than one person here who seems to be an anomaly, everyone post-pays for their services. As long as we are post-paying for service, it's fair game.

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Vchiquita, that is nonsense. You're saying if people don'...


Vchiquita, that is nonsense. You're saying if people don't want to be cheated, they should not set up auto-billing.    If Rogers/Shaw wanted to change the billing date, all they had to do was move the August 1 billing to mid-August.  They have taken an extra $100/150 or more from hundreds of thousands of customers.  I'm pretty sure this is not legal.  I believe Shaw/Rogers has to refund this extra billing.  If not, they'll face a class action suit.  Note we're talking about something in the range of a $50 million naked cash grab.  Sick! 

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, yes it is extremely bad how Rogers/Shaw has implemented...


@Dale_pues , yes it is extremely bad how Rogers/Shaw has implemented this change, it has confused and upset so many people.  However to be technical they have not taken any extra $$ from anyone, they just took the next months payment early compared to what we were used to.  They now are the same as the other telecom in which they take autopayments out 14-15 days after invoice, whereas Shaw had always taken out our autopayments on the due date which used to be aprox. 30 days after invoice. So now what happened is for that first period the autopayment came out on the usual 30 day cycle, and a new invoice was created for the next months billing but instead of it now coming out of autopay 30 days later it came out just 14 days later after you just paid your bill.  This is what is confusing the hell out of everyone.  But from now on the autopayment will only come out once 14 days after invoice date.  Also by the way invoice dates are different for every customer mine doesn't fall until the 14th of every month, my neighbours date is the 7th of every month.  Another issue for people is the fact that they have changed the overall date that payment is due, goodbye the 30 day period, your payment is now due by manual payment 21 days after invoice, this move also brings them in line with other companies changing to this format, and some that have used it for a long time, credit cards are a great example payment due 21 days after invoice or interest is charged. Legally and Technically Rogers/Shaw has done nothing wrong, morally well that's a different story, this is causing a lot of upset people who were used to things staying and being the same as they have always been.  Even I have recommended on here that people stop using autopay if it is going to create any type of hardship with this new 14 day autopay, and to pay manually instead before the 21 day deadline, this gives them a few extra days grace without being late and charged interest.  Don't get me wrong I Do Not Like Any Of These Changes Either but I don't think any thing can be done about it.  Rogers/Shaw you dropped the ball on this and it landed on all of our heads!!

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In our current climate especially in our telecom universe...


@Dale_pues In our current climate especially in our telecom universe within Canada, it's legal until litigators prove otherwise. This is minor but significant change. Apparently, Telus is now doing the same thing. Don't be surprised if you see your Canadian credit card bank changing the game too. 

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If you review your previous statement, you'll see that Sh...



If you review your previous statement, you'll see that Shaw withdrew funds one day before the due date. This detail had escaped my notice for years until I recently made a manual payment on the actual due date and noticed my account showed an amount in arrears.

I will wait to see if a late payment charge is applied as a result.

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I wish this was illegal but it's not in Canada. This is n...


@markbulger I wish this was illegal but it's not in Canada. This is not Shaw's decision, it's Rogers. Eventually, don't be surprised when we lose our unique @shaw.ca email address with little to no notice. Chances are high it won't be available under @rogers.com domain (or whatever it is for Rogers internet customers). FWIW, I have been through this before when Rogers sold their internet to Shaw. I lost my unique Rogers.ca email address. 

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You better check again. My due date was August 16 and I m...



@Phone5 wrote:

Payments came out of my account on July 16 as normal and under this new scam July 29 better check.

You better check again. My due date was August 16 and I made a manual payment on August 16 but my account was already overdue. I was supposed to make payment one day before (see my recent posts).

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