Can't access shaw email through wifi


I have a sporadic problem which unfortunately is happening more often than not lately.

I can access my shaw email on my iphone if I turn off my wifi and just use data. Otherwise, sometimes it works time and others I cannot get incoming emails.

On my tablet, which only uses wifi, I can't even connect to the URL, yet all other websites are fine.

On a PC, hard wired to the modem, I still have intermittent issues (getting more common) with the incoming server, meaning I get no email.

I've gone through all the checks with Support (resetting modem, etc. and none of my email account data has changed). I'm told now that I should contact Microsoft (because I'm using Outlook on my PC). 

I'm really at my wits end and frustrated with the lack of support when I call.

Anyone else having these type of issues with Shaw email?

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24 Replies

Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi


Hey rivergurl,

I haven't heard of any reports of this issue. It may be a WiFi settings issue. Are you having issues with Outlook on your iPhone, Tablet, and PC all at the same time? As for accessing, is it an issue on all devices, if so what is the error message (post an image of the error)?

It is possible that your email password is not strong enough which may cause the issues you described above. I'd recommend updating your email password to something very strong which may help.

With your current set up, do you have a 3rd party router connected to the modem or any special settings such as a VPN, etc?

Keep me posted,

Tony | Community Mod.

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Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi


With wifi turned on my iPhone, I get the following message “The IMAP server “” is not responding. check your network connection and that you entered the correct information in the “Incoming Mail Server” field “

I have been using “” and haven’t changed anything. 

No problem accessing email with wifi turned off on iPhone.

On on my Surface tablet (with only wifi), I get an error message “Hmmm...can’t reach this page” when trying to access

On my PC, wired to the Shaw modem (no router), Outlook email works sporadically.

i’ve updated my email password, which was already strong. 

I’m using a Shaw modem with a google mesh network. 

I can can access the website through VPN, no problem 

Thank you for responding. 

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Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi

Shaw Squad

  Thanks for all of the info! Could I get you to try a few different browsers for me and let me know what happens? If nothing also try clearing out your cache then try again. This page also may help; If not it may be that your email was locked for some reason, so at that point, I'd ask that you please contact us on chat here

Also, does your Outlook program have the ability to use active sync?

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Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi


I've tried multiple browsers, including Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Explorer. I've tried clearing the cache.

The issues are sporadic. Some times everything works fine and then all of a sudden, issues again. So at least I know it's not my settings.

At this moment in time I have no issue with accessing on my tablet (but I'm sure that will change).

I can currently access Shaw mail on my iphone (only with the wifi turned off). 

I cannot send email on my wired PC, using Outlook. I get the error message "Sending reported error (0X800CCC6F) "Your outgoing (SMTP) e-mail server has reported an internal error.

I've tried to get help through Shaw chat, to no avail. 

I appreciate you trying to help but I'm at my wits end as email is essential to my home business. May be time to change providers, unfortunately.

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Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi


Thank you for providing so much information. It may be a set up related reason, which Shaw modem do you have and is the modem set in bridge mode to pass all routing function to your Google mesh system?

Have you tried disconnecting the Google mesh network and connect directly to the modem to see if emails are able to pass?

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Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi


I have not requested Shaw to turn bridge mode on but I have tried disconnecting the mesh network.

I'm using a Shaw supplied modem, Model TG3482ER3.

If you believe me contacting Shaw to turn bridge mode on will help (and not affect anything else), I can give it a try. I'm just afraid that it may cause other issues as I'm not using a router.

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Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi


I'm also using a Belkin hub as there are only 2 ports on the modem and I have 2 wired PC's plus the Google Mesh Network. I've tried plugging the PC I'm using Outlook directly into the modem, rather than the hub, but it made no difference.

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Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi


This morning, for a few hours at least, everything is working fine. Unfortunately, the unreliability is unacceptable.

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Re: Can't access shaw email through wifi


rivergurl ah, the BlueCurve modem should only operate on its own if it is not bridged. The modem already acts as a router, attaching a second mesh WiFi and hub to it will cause issues. (The set up cannot determine which is the modem has the dynamic IP and which is the router)

When you are connecting your PC directly to the modem only, you will need to complete a full factory reset to reboot the setup to work properly. If you plug the Google Mesh WiFi and Belkin Hub back in, it will not work again.

If you want to continue using the Google Mesh WiFi and Belkin hub, I will recommend contacting us on Facebook or Twitter to add a free secondary IP, then bridge the modem and set up the Google Mesh WiFi and Belkin hub again. This way they each will get a dynamic IP.

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