-- That implies to me that there is a communications bott...

Legendary Grand Master

@Aniver -- That implies to me that there is a communications bottleneck on the server that runs the webmail;

To me, it seems like slow two-way communication between Shaw's "WebMail" server and Shaw's "authentication" server. If the latter server is "too slow" to respond, the WebMail server reports "unable to communicate".  A second click on "Sign In" usually is successful.

Shaw isn't giving it the attention or upgrade that is needed.

I disagree. Since this issue first was reported (in 2022), it seems "better" -- less need to "retry". So, I think that Shaw has done something to reduce the frequency of the issue.

P.S. I tried to ping webmail.shaw.ca, and I get an ip address followed by 'Destination host is unreachable'. 

There is no "rule" on the Internet that every computer (or Internet router) MUST respond to PING packets.  Doing so may allow a "Denial Of Service" attack to be more likely to succeed. This week, there was a "DoS" attack on the "Microsoft Live" server. So, there is good reason to not respond to "noise" packets.

Tracing route to webmail-login.glb.shawcable.net []
... 4  9 ms
    5  9 ms
    6 11 ms rc1bb-be20.vc.shawcable.net []
    7 11 ms rc1st-be25.vc.shawcable.net []
    8 22 ms rc3no-be11-1.cg.shawcable.net []
    9 24 ms
  10 reports: Destination host unreachable.

So, it seems that Shaw has configured their routers to NOT respond to "traceroute" packets.


0 Kudos

If Shaw is addressing this issue, I can attest that it re...


If Shaw is addressing this issue, I can attest that it remains unimproved.  It regularly takes at least 4 clicks to get in, but during busier times such as evenings and weekends, it is usually about 10 to 20 clicks. So I have to get set up for evening meetings at least 2 hours in advance to assure access to my mail.  This is my experience on various devices, in different homes, different browsers, clearing browsers, and in different locations.  The only method I have not tried is via mobile data.

As far as ping, I do realize they are not required to allow it.  Just odd that they allow it for the regular mail service but not webmail service. Aren't they equally vulnerable to DoS attacks?

Either way, it's very difficult to work with Shaw webmail currently, whereas it was always absolutely reliable.  I'm hard pressed to understand why they cannot resolve it, hence why I suspected it wasn't getting due attention.

0 Kudos

-- The only method I have not tried is via mobile data. I...

Legendary Grand Master

@Aniver -- The only method I have not tried is via mobile data.

I expect that the results will be the same, no matter "how" you connect to the IP-address of Shaw's WebMail server, over various "paths" on the Internet.

The issue seems to be "between" Shaw's WebMail server and Shaw's "authentication" server. 

So, changing web-browsers, or connecting via a friend/neighbour/family's network will not make any difference.


0 Kudos

still can't log in and Shaw said it is not their problem...


still can't log in and Shaw said it is not their problem and they can't fix it



Can you login to webmail.shaw.ca? Which email client are...

Grand Master

@Hunt2  Can you login to webmail.shaw.ca? Which email client are you using? You may need to get a third party computer support person to help.

0 Kudos

We are also having issues with shaw webmail. Essentially...


We are also having issues with shaw webmail. Essentially the computer can't login. Either the "loading" page  appears and doesn't go away or simply get a white screen. Our internet otherwise works well. Gmail works well. Chrome was checked and completely up to date. Reinstalling Chrome did not help. Using Edge also doesn't solve the problem.  Two other computers in our home have the same problem with another shaw email address. I spent over an hour yesterday with tech support and another hour today. Still not solved.

Changing from AJAX to HTML (has to be done by tech support if you cant login) allows me to access and read emails but attachments are very slow to download.   Even worse, when I try to reply, the text box doesn't accept any text. So email is severely crippled.

I had experienced intermittent problems in the past. However this is now much much worse. The tech support guy said nobody else was having this issue (!!!) so it must be our browsers. I agree that Safari works and I can also access my email via my android phone. But it SHOULD work with Windows 10/Chrome! It is definitely time for Shaw/Rogers to seriously look for a fix. The problem has to be at their end.   

0 Kudos

-- The problem has to be at their end.  What speeds do yo...

Legendary Grand Master

@rstay -- The problem has to be at their end. 

What speeds do you get when running the Shaw Speed Test (in each web-browser) ?

You should get the download speed in your contract, or even slightly better.

If you do, then the issue probably is NOT at Shaw's end.


0 Kudos

The shaw Speed Test link above also doesnt work on this b...


The shaw Speed Test link above also doesnt work on this browser

Using another speedtest service, my internet speed is 12Mb/s for uploading and 124Mb/s for downloading. I think that is pretty fast. if it isn't fast enough, that is also shaw's fault as they are our internet service provider! 


0 Kudos

-- The Shaw Speed Test link above also doesn't work on th...

Legendary Grand Master

@rstay -- The Shaw Speed Test link above also doesn't work on this browser

That is strange. Generally, it works for me. However, right now, the page loads quickly, but shows an error-message about "unavailable". Is that what you see when you wrote "does not work" ?

Using another speedtest service, my internet speed is 12Mb/s for uploading and 124Mb/s for downloading.

What speed are you paying for? 100/10 ? 300/10 (older cable-modem)? 300/100 ? 500/100? 750/100? 1000/100? 1500/100 ?

The Shaw Speed Test, when connecting to the one of there servers physically close to you (Vancouver? Kelowna? Calgary? Winnipeg?) should show your contracted speed, providing that there is no issue with your computer or your cable-modem or the coaxial-cable between your residence and the nearest telephone-pole.

If you have a notebook computer, physically take it to some public location where the "ShawOpen" network is available, and rerun the Speed Test.

Note that connecting to any Speed Test site at a physical distance (Seattle? San Francisco?) is going to show the "actual" speed, "end-to-end", in contrast to the Shaw Speed Test, which usually connects to a physically "nearby" server, to give you the highest numbers.

I think that is pretty fast. if it isn't fast enough, that is also Shaw's fault, as they are our internet service provider!

Not always. If you connect to a "far-away" server, e.g., somewhere in Europe, your speed will be slower than what is in your contract with Shaw. That is not the "fault" of Shaw.


0 Kudos

-- it's now 2 months later. Can you now logon to Shaw Web...

Legendary Grand Master

@Hunt2 -- it's now 2 months later. Can you now logon to Shaw WebMail?

Do you have more than one computer/device? Can any of them successfully connect?


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