Yeah, I have trading software that has thousands of dolla...


Yeah, I have trading software that has thousands of dollars in trades active at any given time and am tired of this BS also as its costing me money. My charts loose important history even if they loose connection for a couple of minutes this can cost me.

Also my brother plays poker and looses connections all to often every night when this happends and hes in a money tournament!


From a PC Technicians point of view no router or modem has  daily/ weekly or even monthly updates this often and I would be willing to bet the only reason for them is they are saving and uploading customers browsing habits without there permission and have limited space on the modem and need to upload all there user activity data they are recording as it fills up! 

Just like every other smart device from roomba robots, that connect to the internet, uploading your houses square footage to company's that are interested or your smart fridge uploading your grocery lists and other things to company's who use this data. Shaw also is likely doing this without our permission and I for one am sick of it! 

Prove me wrong give me a list of the software updates in detail that my Modem/Router has been doing for the last year every 1-6 Days at 12am-2am in the morning!

They wouldn't even admit this was happening until I told them I already was told by the tech. this would happen and that they were nightly "updates" which as I said earlier if you know anything about Modem / Router hardware this is absurd and an outright lie IMO!


I am very sorry to hear of the Internet troubles you've b...


@theguy39 I am very sorry to hear of the Internet troubles you've been experiencing and would love to help. I checked into your signal and everything looks solid. Updates that result in a service interruption are posted here. Understanding that it seems to be out of the norm, it may be a faulty modem or something else causing issues (smart home devices, switches/routers connected to the modem, etc) Have you had a service tech visit you to ensure everything is solid? Also, what is the general time that you are noticing the disconnects? Are they over WiFi only or are direct ethernet connections affected as well?

0 Kudos

Replaced the modem and still happening!


Last 2 I noticed were Sunday at 2:30 am 12/15/2019

                                   Friday at 3:56 am 12/20/2019

No it straight to the shaw modem, not router and yes even my hardwired PC looses connection every time the modem does its update and power cycle crap.

If you want to send a technician out that would be fine because I cannot have these outages continue as there is no point in me paying for internet that cant do the only thing I actually need it to be able to do consistently.

I'm up at the complete opposite times as my brother and I have trading software that runs trading currency 24/7 and this has been happening for a year now and already costed me alot of time and money. The trading software I run that requires a constant connection to the internet to get updated charts and statistics since they are 24/7 markets so you can see why this can be a very big issue.  

Honestly, I still don't see how a bad connection to the building or any other issue or low signal would be on this side causing it anyways. To me it seems clear its a modem receiving a remote command and restarting for whatever reasons. Shaw claims its nothing and then when I go in and talk to them they admits it does updates often but it shouldn't loose connection and then they admit in the same sentence, ok it can loose connection during updates but it shouldn't.  But everyone pretends it doesn't exist and clearly by the amount of easy to find postings on the web about this exact issue this is a major issue and concern with many customers.

So I would like to request to have a supervisor look over this as well and have a request put in to have all automated updates to my modem disabled.  

But if you want to send out a tech. then that is fine. Tuesdays or Sundays are the only days I'm available


Do you have a working UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply)...

Legendary Grand Master

Do you have a working UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) between your wall-outlet and your Shaw cable-modem/router?

If your electrical company is doing "something" overnight, it might be causing a reboot. The job of the UPS is to give "smoothed" power to your device(s).




thank you for reporting that.  is correct that it may be...


@theguy39 thank you for reporting that. @mdk is correct that it may be power related as well (if you have a power bar, try swapping for a new one or plug directly to the outlet). Maintenance work on our network is required to ensure overall network health and stability. Unfortunately, there is no way to turn this off. In addition, as you are running a home business, it is best to get a home business account through Shaw Business to ensure our Internet best suits your requirements.

I'd still like to send a technician out to investigate, please PM me your best contact number and time of day for us to visit you.



They always say they see nothing at all, its the complete...


 They always say they see nothing at all, its the complete run around, there are so many unresolved issues when it comes to shaw and this problem. I've had a tech visit my house several times this year, hardware swap 3 times, new lines, no splitters. This has been a 1+ year ordeal happens so frequently. The problem is shaw but don't worry prices are going up that should fix everything right? 

I love paying $100 a month and have to use my roommates Bell internet more frequently than I use mine because its more reliable than shaw.


I don't use shaw but yes they certainly do work during th...


I don't use shaw but yes they certainly do work during the night. I was woken at around 1am (April 22) by a truck with flashing lights, 2 trucks at time, a worker was up the pole in the bucket to do maintenance..


0 Kudos

One of my secondary boxes has been having this RDK-03033...


One of my secondary boxes has been having this RDK-03033 error popping up for 2 weeks straight now.  First it was when Netflix was running, then it was when we are watching On-Demand shows, and last night it was when we were trying to change the channel.  We have tried the power disconnect/ reconnect option, and unscrewed/ re-screw the cables to ensure they are tightened.  Very frustrating experience for sure.

0 Kudos

The BlueCurve box may be doing its daily update at that t...

Grand Master

The BlueCurve box may be doing its daily update at that time. This link shows how to check what time it is set to happen, scroll down about half way.


Thanks for that rstra.  Looked it up and our daily update...


Thanks for that rstra.  Looked it up and our daily update is currently set about 3 hours after our usual RDK-03033 error.

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