More of a complaint at the faulty firmware on the XB7 modems, but really when are they going to push an update to fix this busted feature?
Funny that the XB6 modems don't share the same fate and actually work, minus the fact mine tend to overheat
@TheDunkmaster -- exactly what problem are you reporting?
Note that Shaw does not develop the software that is running inside the XB6 nor the XB7. Shaw just buys the cable-modems from a supplier.
Whenever the supplier updates their software, and sends that software to Shaw, then the software inside your cable-modem will be updated.
So, you seem to be asking a question that Shaw cannot answer, except by relaying information from their supplier.
Pretty clear that the issue is that XB7 modems have a busted bridge mode.
Question was also very clear as to when is there going to be a fix.
Regardless of who makes the product, Shaw is dishing this busted junk out to customers. They should be communicating these issues and have better support available.
Going through Reddit to find support for a product Shaw provides is less than ideal.
Shaw is very capable at answering the question, they are a multi million dollar company that has massive sales contracts to get a product. If there's enough noise, someone listens, things get fixed.
@TheDunkmaster wrote:Pretty clear that the issue is that XB7 modems have a busted bridge mode.
Question was also very clear as to when is there going to be a fix.
Regardless of who makes the product, Shaw is dishing this busted junk out to customers. They should be communicating these issues and have better support available.
Going through Reddit to find support for a product Shaw provides is less than ideal.
Shaw is very capable at answering the question, they are a multi million dollar company that has massive sales contracts to get a product. If there's enough noise, someone listens, things get fixed.
@TheDunkmaster what do you mean by “busted bridge mode”?
@TheDunkmaster -- Question was also very clear as to when is there going to be a fix
Any current Shaw employee who knows the answer to the question will not tell you, if they wish to keep their employment with Shaw.
You will have to wait for an authorized Shaw official to make a public announcement of formerly "company confidential" information.
If you need to know, apply to become a Shaw employee, and ask. Of course, if you do get an answer, how will knowing the answer change your life? Plus, will Shaw fire you, should you reveal the answer on this discussion forum?
I had no problems enabling bridge mode. Not sure what you folks are doing wrong. You can’t access the blue curve app after enabled but you can always disable it, make your other changes and re apply bridge mode again